Designed experiments, objects of interest, material and data information for a 'stall' at Aberystwyth University science week event suitable for primary age children but with interest for older children and general public. Ensured layout was correct, gave demonstrations to the children and provided training for others running the stall. These were primarily undergraduates and postgraduates; A rota was also made to ensure sufficient coverage of the stall at all times.Cyfnod | 2014 |
Delir yn | Prifysgol Aberystwyth |
Graddau amlygrwydd | Rhanbarthol |
Cynnwys cysylltiedig
Developing an Integrated Supply and Processing Pipeline for the Sustained Production of Ensiled Macroalgae-derived Hydrocarbon Fuels. MacroBioCrude
Prosiect: Ymchwil a ariannwyd yn allanol