Cereals in Practice 2013

Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn digwyddiad neu drefnu digwyddiadGweithdy, Seminar, neu Cwrs


The aims and objectives of the QUOATS project was demonstrated at a field day held in conjunction with the James Hutton Institute. This event "Cereals in Practice " was held in Scotland and is an important dissemination event for the work within the project. It also provided an opportunity to discuss the future projects including "InnovOat".
Cyfnod02 Gorff 2013
Math o ddigwyddiadGweithdy
LleoliadPerth & Kinross, Teyrnas Unedig Prydain Fawr a Gogledd IwerddonDangos ar fap
Graddau amlygrwyddRhanbarthol