Chris McGuigan

Gweithgaredd: Gwesteio ymwelyddGwesteio ymwelydd academaidd


Visit by Professor Chris McGuigan of LSRNW to Aberystwyth University

Professor Chris McGuigan visited Aberystwyth University to liase with the Vice Chancellor and Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research on the recent launch of the National Research Network (NRN) for Health and Lifesciences in Wales. During his visit, Professor McGuigan’s also met with a range of University staff on a one-to-one basis and delivered two seminars during his visit (one scientific seminar and one seminar commercially-related to the Life Sciences and Health Research Network Wales, LSRNW and the new Hub established in Cardiff Bay).
Cyfnod17 Chwef 2014
Ymweld oLife Sciences Research Network Wales (Teyrnas Unedig Prydain Fawr a Gogledd Iwerddon)
Gradd ymwelyddProfessor