EUCARPIA Cereals Section – I T M I Joint Conference

Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn digwyddiad neu drefnu digwyddiadCynhadledd


"The topic of the conference was Cereals for Food, Feed and Fuel - Challenge for Global Improvement.
A wide range of cereal breeding research was covered by seven sessions:
Session I: Genetic resources
Session II: Grain yield
Session III: Abiotic stress resistance
Session IV: Biotic stress resistance
Session V: Quality for food and industrial use
Session VI: Mapping, cloning and beyond
Session VII: Future challenges and innovations"
Cyfnod29 Meh 201404 Gorff 2014
Math o ddigwyddiadCynhadledd
LleoliadWernigerode, Yr AlmaenDangos ar fap
Graddau amlygrwyddRhyngwladol