Grassland and Muck Event

  • Alan Lovatt (Cyfranogwr)

Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn digwyddiad neu drefnu digwyddiadŴyl neu Arddangosfa


Attendance on joint institute and commercial partner stand on a prime site at Grassland & Muck 2017 the leading industry event showcasing the latest technology & business information on forage production, harvesting, storage & utilisation as well as the latest in muck management and application. The stand showcased plots demonstrating several aspects of the grass research at IBERS e.g. magnesium, lipids, water soluble carbohydrate and rooting and followed on with plots of the novel varieties resulting from the research and also plots illustrating the commercial products available from the commercial partner. The event is held over 2 days and attracts many farmers from the UK and Ireland and allows considerable farmer and seed trade interactions.
Cyfnod24 Mai 201725 Mai 2017
Math o ddigwyddiadGweithdy
LleoliadWarwickshire, Teyrnas Unedig Prydain Fawr a Gogledd IwerddonDangos ar fap
Graddau amlygrwyddCenedlaethol