Revitalise Project - Workshop 3

Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn digwyddiad neu drefnu digwyddiadGweithdy, Seminar, neu Cwrs


Economic transformations associated with globalisation underpin a number of socio-demographic trends that have a direct impact on language revitalisation efforts. Given the centrality of the language-economy link to promoting language revitalisation, this seminar focused specifically on the relationship between the two. Whilst recognising the significance placed on the language-economy link in both the academic and policy literatures on minority languages, the seminar sought to address the tendency for these issues to be discussed in relatively general terms. Instead, the seminar sought to differentiate more clearly between different facets of the language-economy relationship. Given the extent to which this relationship is impacted by the context of global change, developing a deeper understanding of how the economic variables can impact on linguistic variables as well as vice versa is potentially of significant practical benefit to the future development of language revitalisation initiatives. On this basis, the seminar sought to clarify an agenda of questions for broader discussion.
Cyfnod05 Hyd 2018
Math o ddigwyddiadGweithdy
LleoliadCardiff, Teyrnas Unedig Prydain Fawr a Gogledd IwerddonDangos ar fap
Graddau amlygrwyddRhyngwladol