Shared Pedagogies: Closed Lab Experiments in Interdisciplinary Pedagogy

Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn digwyddiad neu drefnu digwyddiadGweithdy, Seminar, neu Cwrs


On 27th and 28th June the Theatre Architecture Working Group held four experimental labs in and around the Clam Gallas Palace in Prague during the Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space. Curated by Andrew Filmer and Juliet Rufford these practical workshops explored intersections between performance and architecture pedagogy, offering opportunities for participants in either discipline to trade ideas, exercises and teaching tips with those working in the other.
Cyfnod27 Meh 201528 Meh 2015
Math o ddigwyddiadGweithdy
LleoliadPrague, Y Weriniaeth TsiecDangos ar fap