Troubled Waters, Stormy Futures: heritage in times of accelerated climate change

  • Sara Jones (Siaradwr)

Gweithgaredd: Sgwrs neu gyflwyniadCyflwyniad llafar


This was a public talk in the Welsh language (by Sara Penrhyn Jones, project PI), about the relationship between climate change and heritage in Kiribati. It was organised by the National Welsh College (Y Coleg Cymraeg), who are one of the research project partners. It was also attended by a representative from the National Library of Wales, another of the research project partners. It was filmed and added to the College's digital archive of talks in Welsh. The purpose of this series of seminars, 'a World of Information' is to bring academic research to a wider public audience through the medium of Welsh. They aim to facilitate a flow of information and awareness of research activities within, between, and beyond different academic disciplines. There was a lively discussion at the end of the presentation, and as a result of related social media activity, I was invited to talk more about the project on BBC Radio Cymru (again, in Welsh). The audience reported that the had not previously considered climate change as affecting heritage and culture.
Cyfnod15 Ebr 2015
Teitl y digwyddiadCynhadledd Wyddonol y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol
Math o ddigwyddiadCynhadledd
LleoliadAberystwyth, Teyrnas Unedig Prydain Fawr a Gogledd IwerddonDangos ar fap
Graddau amlygrwyddLleol