We need to talk about climate change

  • Sara Jones (Cyfranogwr)

Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn digwyddiad neu drefnu digwyddiadGweithdy, Seminar, neu Cwrs


The 'We need to talk about climate change' workshop was held at the Manchester Museum, UK on 7th April 2017. The aim of the event was to bring together a diverse group of UK heritage practitioners to explore existing heritage sector practices and share collective wisdom relating to new approaches to engagement and communication around climate change. A community engagement and participatory research consultant, Joanne Orchard-Webb, facilitated dialogue between project researchers, Head of Collections at Manchester Museum, Henry McGhie and George Marshall from Climate Outreach.

The premise of the day emerged from the findings of the "Troubled Waters, Stormy Futures: heritage in times of accelerated climate change" research conducted in the UK and Kiribati during 2015-16: [http://www.corddirdyfroedd.org/]. The research surfaced a number of key questions relating to the often challenging role of heritage organisations in climate change debates and these questions were used to guide the workshop structure:

15 individuals from a range of large and small heritage organisations attended the workshop There was representation from those working in or with local authority, national and university museums, world heritage sites, heritage advisory bodies, international heritage organisations and heritage conservation charities. These included Historic Scotland, Historic England and the International National Trust. Further action and outputs were co- decided (a workshop facilitation pack and webinar, detailed elsewhere), with very positive feedback from participants, for example that the workshop left them 'genuinely much more excited about the possibility for talking about climate change and heritage'. The dialogue was extended online, and internationally, through the #heritage4climate,
Cyfnod17 Ebr 2017
Math o ddigwyddiadGweithdy
LleoliadManchester, Teyrnas Unedig Prydain Fawr a Gogledd IwerddonDangos ar fap