The Altar Stone at the centre of Stonehenge may have come from more than 700km away in Scotland, Australian study suggests

Y Wasg / Cyfryngau: Sylw yn y cyfryngau


The 6-tonne Altar Stone inside Stonehenge may have come from a location in Scotland more than 700km away from its final placement, according to a new study.

Cyfnod14 Awst 2024

Sylw ar y cyfryngau


Sylw ar y cyfryngau

  • TeitlThe Altar Stone at the centre of Stonehenge may have come from more than 700km away in Scotland, Australian study suggests
    Graddau amlygrwyddCenedlaethol
    Enw cyfrwng / allfaABC Australia
    Math y cyfrwngTeledu
    Dyddiad cyhoeddi14 Awst 2024
    DisgrifiadThe 6-tonne Altar Stone inside Stonehenge may have come from a location in Scotland more than 700km away from its final placement, according to a new study.
    Cynhyrchydd / AwdurBrianna Morris-Grant
    UnigolionNick Pearce, Richard Bevins, Robert Ixer
  • TeitlThe Altar Stone at the centre of Stonehenge may have come from more than 700km away in Scotland, Australian study suggests
    Enw cyfrwng / allfaAustralian Broadcasting Corporation
    Dyddiad cyhoeddi14 Awst 2024
    DisgrifiadThe 6-tonne Altar Stone inside Stonehenge may have come from a location in Scotland more than 700km away from its final placement, according to a new study.

    "Fingerprinting" samples of the stone matched it to other samples in north-east Scotland, rather than Wales.
    Cynhyrchydd / AwdurBrianna Morris-Grant
    UnigolionNick Pearce, Richard Bevins, Robert Ixer