MEaSUREs Greenland Annual Ice Sheet Velocity Mosaics from SAR and Landsat, Version 1

  • Ian Joughin (Lluniwr)
  • Samuel Doyle (!!Distributor)
  • Bryn Hubbard (!!Distributor)

Set ddata


This data set, part of the NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) program, contains annual ice velocity mosaics for the Greenland Ice Sheet derived from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data obtained by the German Space Agency's TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X (TSX/TDX) and the European Space Agency's Copernicus Sentinel-1A and -1B satellites, and from the US Geological Survey's Landsat 8 optical imagery for years 2015 to 2018.
Dyddiad y'i gwnaethpwyd ar gael02 Hyd 2017
CyhoeddwrPrifysgol Aberystwyth | Aberystwyth University
Sylw tymhorol01 Rhag 2014 - 30 Tach 2018
Diwedd cynhyrchu data2015 - 2018
Sylw daearyddolGreenland
Polygon Geo-ofodol83,-75,83-14,60,-75,60,-14

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