Criminal accountability of peacekeepers

Effaith: Dynodwr astudiaeth achosDealltwriaeth, gwybodaeth a thrafodaeth gyhoeddus

Crynodeb o'r effaith

Contribution to the debate on international peacekeeping operations and criminal accountability of personnel involved in operations that affect the local population.
Based on my publications on this topic, I was invited to attend a one week international workshop organised by AIDS-Free World (NGO) and McGill University (Montreal) to discuss relevant issues that were used to shape an international compaign to address criminal abuses by peacekeepers. The campaign is called Code Blue, and has been launched in May 2015.


AIDS-Free World Canada
United Nations Peacekeeping Operations
Individuals affected by abuses committed during the operations

Gwybodaeth pellach

International Workshop Organised at McGill University, Montreal, from 6 to 10 October 2014.
Statws effaithWedi Cwblhau
Dyddiad effaith06 Hyd 201410 Hyd 2014
Categori effaithDealltwriaeth, gwybodaeth a thrafodaeth gyhoeddus
Lefel yr effaithYmgysylltu