Member and Vice-President, Council of Europe's Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings

Effaith: Dynodwr astudiaeth achosY Gymdeithas Sifil, Iechyd a lles - cynnyrch, canllawiau a gwasanaethau newydd, Polisi a deddfwriaeth, Ymarfer, hyfforddiant a safonau proffesiynol, Dealltwriaeth, gwybodaeth a thrafodaeth gyhoeddus

Crynodeb o'r effaith

Able to influence how States help trafficked people and fight their traffickers, by monitoring States' activities in this area and helping to produce reports (all published), which aim to influence and direct states' future activities. As Vice-President I have an executive function, in helping to organise and direct the activities and priorities of the Group. As such I have a direct impact on anti-trafficking law and policy in Europe.


States, trafficked people, civil society
Statws effaithAgored
Dyddiad effaith01 Ion 201331 Rhag 2020
Categori effaithY Gymdeithas Sifil, Iechyd a lles - cynnyrch, canllawiau a gwasanaethau newydd, Polisi a deddfwriaeth, Ymarfer, hyfforddiant a safonau proffesiynol, Dealltwriaeth, gwybodaeth a thrafodaeth gyhoeddus
Lefel yr effaithBudd