Presentation of the IPBES Values Assessment at the COP15 Meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity


Crynodeb o'r effaith

Presentation of the IPBES Values Assessment at various side events at COP15:

6 December - science day [presentations] (first half of day)
Global assessment - 45 minutes
Values - 45 minutes
Sustainable Use - 45 minutes
*These presentations should be tailored more to how the assessment relates to the Global Biodiversity Framework.

8 December - IPBES Sustainable Use and Values Assessments: Implications for the new Global Biodiversity Framework [presentations]
Sustainable use (13 minutes) - see agenda for more information
Values (13 minutes) - see agenda for more information

9 December - Science in Focus: Ongoing IPBES Assessments & Opportunities for Engagement [presentations]
Invasive alien species (10 minutes)
Transformative change (10 minutes
Nexus (10 minutes)


Governments of the Convention on Biological Diversity
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