Review of RB209 (Nutrient Management Guide)

Effaith: Polisi a deddfwriaeth, Yr amgylchedd a chynaliadwyedd - byd natur a'r amgylchedd adeiledig

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Results from BBSRC funded research (Harnessing new technologies for sustainable oat production and utilisation & Developing enhanced breeding methodologies for oats for human health and nutrition) were used as part of the review of RB209 (Nutrient Management Guide) that changed the official government advice to farmers on the application of nitrogen to winter oats


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Dyddiad effaith2018
Categori effaithPolisi a deddfwriaeth, Yr amgylchedd a chynaliadwyedd - byd natur a'r amgylchedd adeiledig
Lefel yr effaithMabwysiadu