Allbwn Ymchwil fesul blwyddyn
Allbwn Ymchwil fesul blwyddyn
Aberystwyth University
Hugh Owen Building
Teyrnas Unedig Prydain Fawr a Gogledd Iwerddon
Allbwn ymchwil fesul blwyddyn
David gained his PhD from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth in 2004. His thesis analysed the legal implications of transacting electronically and across borders.
He began teaching Law in 1996 when he was awarded a University Studentship to pursue his doctoral research. Since then, he has taught a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate modules, and delivered research training to Doctoral candidates.
In 2004 David began working with overseas tertiary education providers and since then he has had a keen interest in transnational education. To date, he has worked with partners in ten different jurisdictions throughout Europe, Africa and Asia.
David was made Reader in Law in 2015 and was seconded to the Mauritius Branch Campus as Dean, in the same year.
Before returning to academia, David spent five years working in management, sales and marketing across several commercial sectors.
He is a passionate Welsh rugby fan and played a wide range of sports in his youth.
Leadership and Commercial Development
David has initiated, developed and maintained key commercial relationships with external private and publically funded bodies. Activities have included accreditation and validation (including professional bodies); curriculum development and design; and staff and student mobility.
External Validation Work and Consultancy
Extensive experience in the validation, articulation and franchise of academic schemes in Law and related fields at undergraduate and postgraduate level, including QLD provision.
Overseas work has included: Bangladesh; Botswana; Canada; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Ghana; Indonesia; Malaysia; Mauritius; and Nigeria;
Administrative posts
David's research interests are located within commercial law, the use of technology to enhance legal education, and transnational education.
Current work in preparation:
"Online Consumer Dispute Resolution: Beyond ODR - achieving policy objectives with reputation rather than legislation?"
Participated in a the government consultation "Alternative dispute resolution for consumers"
Doctoral Research Supervision
He is happy to consider research proposals in the areas of:
Recent PhD Supervision
"Mobile Commerce: A Legal Analysis of Transactional Aspects in M-Commerce Transactions in England and Wales"
"Computers, software and contractual liability: a study of the rights and responsibilities of the contracting parties"
"Electronic Contract: A Study of its Application in the light of Islamic Law with Particular Reference to Saudi Arabia Case"
"The Taxation of Electronic Commerce"
"Copyright, Online Gaming and Ownership Rights"
"Anti-piracy strategies implemented by the recording industries in the United Kingdom and Finland"
"Examining the effectiveness and importance of online dispute resolution (ODR) in the encouragement of cross-border e-commerce: towards and practical system?"
"Are consumers economic interests adequately protected when shopping online?"
"Examining the effectiveness and importance of online dispute resolution (ODR) in the encouragement of cross-border e-commerce: towards and practical system?"
Teaching Related
External examining:
Scheme moderator and consultant subject expert:
Unigolyn: Doethur mewn Astudiaethau Proffesiynol
Unigolyn: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth
Unigolyn: Doethur mewn Astudiaethau Proffesiynol
Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Traethawd Ymchwil Doethurol › Doethur yn y Athroniaeth
20 Rhag 2019
1 Cyfraniad cyfryngau
Y Wasg / Cyfryngau: Cyfraniad i'r Cyfryngau
Poyton, D. (Cyfranogwr) & Atta, Z. (Cyfranogwr)
Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn digwyddiad neu drefnu digwyddiad › Cynhadledd
Poyton, D. (Cyfranogwr)
Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn digwyddiad neu drefnu digwyddiad › Cynhadledd
Poyton, D. (Cyfranogwr) & Atkins, R. (Cyfranogwr)
Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn digwyddiad neu drefnu digwyddiad › Cynhadledd
Poyton, D. (Adolygydd cymheiriaid)
Gweithgaredd: Cyhoeddiad adolygiad cymheiriaid a gwaith golygyddol › Adolygu cyhoeddiadau cymheiriaid
Poyton, D. (Adolygydd cymheiriaid)
Gweithgaredd: Cyhoeddiad adolygiad cymheiriaid a gwaith golygyddol › Adolygu cyhoeddiadau cymheiriaid
Poyton, D. (Cyfranogwr)
Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn digwyddiad neu drefnu digwyddiad › Cynhadledd
Poyton, D. (Cyfranogwr)
Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn digwyddiad neu drefnu digwyddiad › Cynhadledd