1983 …2025

Allbwn ymchwil fesul blwyddyn

Proffil personol


Jackie is a Sêr Cymru II Fellow working on big data stringology algorithms for bioinformatics sequencing.

Her research journey started with combinatorics of partially ordered sets which led to stringology algorithmics and topics in artificial intelligence. She’s been intrigued by lexicographic Lyndon words and the Burrows-Wheeler transform and has investigated variants derived from integrating these structures with different ordering and search methods.

The current focus is on applying this expertise to bioinformatics alignment and compression algorithms. The application of these techniques to infectious diseases is of particular interest.

Jackie’s teaching experience spans the USA, UK and Africa which was combined with career breaks for raising a family.

She is a member of The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications and the Women's Engineering Society, and participates in various research communities: StringMasters, AlgoUK, and the Centre for Combinatorics on Words and Applications.

Arbenigedd sy’n gysylltiedig â NDC y CU

Yn 2015, cytunodd gwladwriaethau sy’n aelodau'r Cenhedloedd Unedig ar 17 o Nodau Datblygu Cynaliadwy (NDC) byd-eang i ddod â thlodi i ben, diogelu’r blaned a sicrhau ffyniant i bawb. Mae gwaith y person hwn yn cyfrannu at y NDC canlynol:

  • NDC 3 - Iechyd a Llesiant Da

Ôl bys

Ewch i ganol y pynciau ymchwil lle mae Jacqueline Daykin ar waith. Mae’r labelau pwnc hyn yn dod o waith y person hwn. Gyda’i gilydd maen nhw’n ffurfio ôl bys unigryw.
  • 1 Proffiliau Tebyg

Cydweithrediadau a’r prif feysydd ymchwil yn ystod y pum mlynedd ddiwethaf

Cydweithrediad allanol yn ddiweddar ar lefel gwlad/tiriogaeth. Plymiwch i mewn i'r manylion drwy glicio ar y dotiau neu