Collaborations Aberystwyth Paper Press Print

Paul Croft, Andrew Timothy Baldwin, Eirini Boutasi, Judy Carpenter, Danielle Creenaune, Anne Desmet, Tony Dyson, Edwina Ellis, Stuart Evans, Ruth Jen Evans, Marcelle Hanselaar, Wuon Gean Ho, Jo Hounsome, Shani Rhys James, Mary Lloyd Jones, Helen Kennedy, Elspeth Lamb, Sam Lazkani, Richard Noyce, Ben PartridgeSarah Poland, Andy Polk, Kathryn Polk, Cerese Vaden, Gini Wade, Christopher Peter Webster, Pete Williams, Judy Elizabeth Macklin, Phillip Garratt

Allbwn ymchwil: Ffurf annhestunolArddangosfa

58 Wedi eu Llwytho i Lawr (Pure)


Collaborations: Aberystwyth Paper Press Print is a portfolio celebrating the diversity of printmaking and seeks to examine the nature of multi-media and multi-disciplinary printmaking from traditional to digital. Each of the 30 professional artists, staff and students participating in this project will have had some form of contact with the print studio at The School of Art Aberystwyth between 2000-2012- either as MA / PhD students, staff or as visiting artists / lecturers / external examiners - who may have exhibited their work, taught a masterclass or collaborated in the print studio.

Artists were encouraged to be experimental and the resulting series of prints include processes of etching, relief printing techniques of linocut, woodcut and engraving, screenprinting, stone and plate lithography, digital prints and prints developing from photography, film and video. Artists were also asked to reflect upon their own practice and to produce a print that is representative of their current work.

Compiled over two years – this portfolio project became something of a catalyst for both students and staff to engage in a professional project, providing an opportunity to make and edition a print to exacting high standards. The project also provided opportunities for a limited programme of collaborative printmaking – with Paul Croft working with invited artists Mary Lloyd Jones, Shani Rhys James, Maria Hayes and Richard Noyce.

Printed as an edition of 35 – each of the thirty artists have received a complete box set. Of the remaining five sets – one has been donated to the School of Art Collection in Aberystwyth; one will be sent to The University of Arizona in Tucson; one will be donated to the Print Collection at the Victoria and Albert Museum. One set has been framed and is currently exhibited at IMPRESS 2013 Printmaking Festival in Stroud – and this exhibition may tour to further venues in Dundee, Edinburgh, Belfast.
Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
Man cyhoeddiAberystwyth and touring to other venues to be confirmed
CyhoeddwrPrifysgol Aberystwyth | Aberystwyth University
Cyfrwng allbwnDim-digidol
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 01 Maw 2013
DigwyddiadCollaborations Aberystwyth Paper Press Print - Stroud, Teyrnas Unedig Prydain Fawr a Gogledd Iwerddon
Hyd: 01 Maw 201331 Maw 2013

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