Fluorescent in situ (FISH) and Southern hybridization procedures were used to investigate the chromosomal distribution and genomic organization of the satellite DNA sequence As120a (specific to the A-genome chromosomes of hexaploid oats) in two tetraploid species, Avena barbata and Avena vaviloviana. These species have AB genomes. In situ hybridization of pAs120a to tetraploid oat species revealed elements of this repeated family to be distributed over both arms of 14 of the 28 chromosomes of these species. Genomes A and B were subsequently distinguished, indicating an allopolyploid origin for A. barbata. This was confirmed by assigning the satellited chromosomes to individual genomes, using the satellite itself and two ribosomal probes in simultaneous and sequential in situ hybridization analyses. Differences between A. barbata and A. vaviloviana genomes were also revealed by both FISH and Southern techniques using pAs120a probes. Whereas two B-genome chromosome pairs were found to be involved in intergenomic translocations in A. vaviloviana, FISH detected no intergenomic rearrangements in A. barbata. When using pAs120a as a probe, Southern hybridization also revealed differences in the hybridization patterns of the two genomes. A 1300-bp EcoRV fragment was present in A. barbata but absent in A. vaviloviana. This fragment was also detected in Southern analyses of A-genome diploid and hexaploid oat species.
Iaith wreiddiol | Saesneg |
Tudalennau (o-i) | 1160-1166 |
Nifer y tudalennau | 7 |
Cyfnodolyn | Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
Cyfrol | 103 |
Rhif cyhoeddi | 8 |
Dynodwyr Gwrthrych Digidol (DOIs) | |
Statws | Cyhoeddwyd - Rhag 2001 |