The desire to operate highly autonomous robots in harsh conditions which
may threaten their survival has demonstrated the need for artificial systems
which can adapt to their environment. Traditionally many have attempted to
control robots with artificial neural networks (ANNs). These provide
reasonably successful instantaneous reactive behaviours in response to
stimuli (e.g. correcting course deviations). However they lack the ability to
respond in a longer term fashion to more gradually changing conditions. The
same problem is true in biology, especially with regards to species without
any higher brain functions that are able to consider longer term factors. In
mammals two other systems play a key role in longer term changes to the
neural system, the endocrine and immune systems. The endocrine system is
able to modulate the behaviour of a variety of cells (including neural cells)
with a time frame lasting between a few seconds and several months.
Whereas the immune system provides longer term responses lasting
between minutes and years. However, the immune system is far more
complex than the endocrine system and its capabilitiesbetween species,
therefore it will not be dealt with here.
Iaith wreiddiol | Saesneg |
Statws | Cyhoeddwyd - Medi 2007 |