High-resolution mapping of losses and gains of Earth’s tidal wetlands

Nicholas Murray, Thomas A. Worthington, Pete Bunting, Stephanie Duce, Valerie Hagger, Catherine E. Lovelock, Richard Lucas, Megan Saunders, Marcus Sheaves, Mark Spalding, Nathan Waltham, Mitchell Lyons

Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

176 Dyfyniadau (Scopus)
768 Wedi eu Llwytho i Lawr (Pure)


Tidal wetlands are expected to respond dynamically to global environmental change, but the extent to which wetland losses have been offset by gains remains poorly understood. We developed a global analysis of satellite data to simultaneously monitor change in three highly interconnected intertidal ecosystem types-tidal flats, tidal marshes, and mangroves-from 1999 to 2019. Globally, 13,700 square kilometers of tidal wetlands have been lost, but these have been substantially offset by gains of 9700 km(2), leading to a net change of -4000 km(2) over two decades. We found that 27% of these losses and gains were associated with direct human activities such as conversion to agriculture and restoration of lost wetlands. All other changes were attributed to indirect drivers, including the effects of coastal processes and climate change.
Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
Tudalennau (o-i)744-749
Nifer y tudalennau6
Rhif cyhoeddi6594
Dynodwyr Gwrthrych Digidol (DOIs)
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 13 Mai 2022

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