Human IgE response to the Schistosoma haematobium 22.6 kDa antigen

C. M. Fitzsimmons, T. J. Stewart, Karl F. Hoffmann, Jane L. Grogan, Maria Yazdanbakhsh, David W. Dunne

Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

52 Dyfyniadau (Scopus)


In Schistosoma mansoni and S. japonicum infection, the 22.6 kDa tegumental antigens Sm22.6 and Sj22.6 are principal targets for the human IgE response, and levels of IgE to Sm22.6 have been correlated with resistance to re-infection after chemotherapy. S. haematobium is arguably a more important species in terms of human infection, and in this report we describe for the first time the molecular characterization of a cDNA from S. haematobium (Sh22.6) that is closely homologous to Sm22.6 and Sj22.6. As a member of the tegument-associated antigen family, Sh22.6 possesses EF-hand domains and regions homologous to the dynein light chain domains. We have expressed recombinant Sh22.6 and studied the IgE responses to the antigen in a group of 99 infected individuals (68 children and 31 adults) from an endemic area of Gabon who donated blood before and 5 weeks after praziquantel treatment. IgE to Sh22.6 was detected by ELISA in 18 subjects (18%), and in the majority of responders levels rose between pre- and post-treatment. Interestingly, the proportion of adults expressing IgE to Sh22.6 was 35.5%, significantly higher than the 10.3% seen in children. IgE from at least 10 of the 18 ELISA responders recognized Sh22.6 on Western blots of adult worm extract and recombinant antigen. These results demonstrate that like related molecules in other species, Sh22.6 is a target for the human IgE response. The data also indicate that changes in the IgE response occur with age or with progressive exposure to key antigens.
Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
Tudalennau (o-i)371-376
Nifer y tudalennau6
CyfnodolynParasite Immunology
Rhif cyhoeddi8-9
Dynodwyr Gwrthrych Digidol (DOIs)
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - Awst 2004

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