Phylogenetic relationships between Tunisian and Indian pearl millet germplasms based on seed starch fractions variation

Mériam Ben Romdhane, Sandra Pierre, Jason Kam, Abdelwahed Ghorbel, Nèjia Zoghlami, Rattan Yadav

Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPoster


I am a Tunisian phd stuent conducting a two month-training in IBRES under the supervision of Dr. Rattan Yadav. Durning my phd thesis, I worked on genetic diversity on the most important cereal crops in Tunisia (Barley, oat and pearl millet). Tunisian barley and oat landraces were genotyped using microsatellites markers and compared to other collections (Lebaneese barley (ICARDA) and European oat (CRA fiorenzuola d’Arda during an intership in Italy)) to identify patterns of population genetic structure of these resources.
In the present work, two starch fractions (rapidly and slowly digestible starch (RDS and SDS)) were used as phenotypic traits on a set of 25 pearl millet landraces (15 from Tunisia and 10 from India) to elucidate the partitioning of phenotypic variation between and amongst these two different accessions geographic pools as well as to investigate phylogenetic relationships between Tunisian and Indian landraces. This investigation could explain whether a putative seed exchange between India and Tunisia occurred during the trades of the “Incense Route”.
PCA and dendrogram will be drawn on the basis of the RDS and SDS data to bring information on the phylogenic relationships between the Tunisian and the Indian landraces. ANOVA analysis will be performed to assess the phenotypic variation between and within these two groups. The findings will be investigated further in genetic studies.
Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 06 Medi 2016
Digwyddiad6th Annual GARNet meeting (Genomic Arabidopsis Research Network) - John Innes Centre, Norwich, Teyrnas Unedig Prydain Fawr a Gogledd Iwerddon
Hyd: 05 Medi 200506 Medi 2005


Cynhadledd6th Annual GARNet meeting (Genomic Arabidopsis Research Network)
Gwlad/TiriogaethTeyrnas Unedig Prydain Fawr a Gogledd Iwerddon
Cyfnod05 Medi 200506 Medi 2005

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