Ras Goffa Bobby Sands: A theatre piece that traces the life and political career of Bobby Sands. Performed on a running machine (as Sands was a runner when a teenager), the piece considers how one might place political concerns within a “phenomenological” frame. It has a secondary intention of attempting to blend choreography with the endurance-based goal of some running practices.

Allbwn ymchwil: Ffurf annhestunolPerfformiad


Bu Bobby Sands farw ym 1981 tra’n ymprydio yng ngharchar Long Kesh yn Belfast. Ei nod oedd ad-ennill statws gwleidyddol i’r carcharorion gweriniaethol. Wedi chwilio ymhellach daw i glawr ei fod wedi bod yn aelod o glwb rhedeg yn Belfast ac iddo fod os nad yn rhedwr penigamp, yn un brwdfrydig a llawn hwyl. Ysgrifennodd am redeg tra’n y carchar a’r ysgrif ‘The Loneliness of a Long-distance Cripple’ yw man cychwyn y darn dawns hwn gan Eddie Ladd. Sail y coreograffi yw rhedeg ac mae’r rhediad hwn, ar beiriant rhedeg mawr, yn olrhain y 66 niwrnod y bu’n ymprydio. Comisiynwyd sgôr electroacwstig arbennig i’r darn gan y cyfansoddwr Guto Puw.

Bobby Sands died in 1981 on hunger strike in Long Kesh prison in Belfast. His aim was to win back political status for its republican prisoners. It’s less well known that he was a member of a running club in Belfast as a young teenager and was, if not a champion racer, a useful one. He wrote about running during his time in prison and his short essay, ‘The Loneliness of a Long distance Cripple’, is the starting point for this dance piece by Eddie Ladd. The choreography is based on running and this performance, on a large-scale running machine, follows the 66 days of his hunger strike. The piece is performed to a specially commissioned electroacoustic score by Welsh composer Guto Puw.
Cyfieithiad o deitl y cyfraniadThe Bobby Sands memorial Race
Iaith wreiddiolCymraeg
Man cyhoeddiAberystwyth Arts Centre
Cyfrwng allbwnDVD a Portffolio Corfforol
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 02 Hyd 2009

Ôl bys

Gweld gwybodaeth am bynciau ymchwil 'Ras Goffa Bobby Sands: A theatre piece that traces the life and political career of Bobby Sands. Performed on a running machine (as Sands was a runner when a teenager), the piece considers how one might place political concerns within a “phenomenological” frame. It has a secondary intention of attempting to blend choreography with the endurance-based goal of some running practices.'. Gyda’i gilydd, maen nhw’n ffurfio ôl bys unigryw.

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