Review of progress at the uk central laser facility in developing XUV lasers based on recombining laser produced plasmas

M. H. Key, A. Carillon, C. Chenais-Popovics, R. Corbett, J. Edwards, M. Guenou, M. Grande, M. Henshaw, P. Jaegle, G. Jamelot, G. P. Kiehn, A. Klisnick, C. L.S. Lewis, D. O’neill, G. J. Pert, S. Ramsden, C. Regan, M. Richardson, S. J. Rose, I. N. RossP. T. Rumsby, S. Sadaat, J. C. Seely, W. Shaikh, R. Smith, A. Sureau, T. Towie, O. Willi

Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

1 Dyfyniad (Scopus)


A programme of research by UK Universities and overseas collaborators at the SERC Central Laser Facility is directed to the development of XUV lasers based on recombining laser produced plasmas. Laser amplification has been demonstrated for recombination to hydrogenic ions C VI and F IX with Hα laser amplification at 182 and 81 Å respectively, and for lithium like ions, namely Aℓ, XI with 4f-3d and 5f-3d laser amplification at 150/154 and 106/104 Å respectively and Cℓ XV 4f-3d at 83 Å. An initial study of Na-like Cu XIX has been made. Current work is looking for ways to improve the efficiency, increase the gain length and reduce the wavelength to reach the 44 Å edge of the water window. The review summarises past work and outlines current work.

Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
Tudalennau (o-i)100-104
Nifer y tudalennau5
CyfnodolynProceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Dynodwyr Gwrthrych Digidol (DOIs)
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 11 Gorff 1988

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