Sustained glacier mass loss causes supraglacial debris layers to expand
and thicken, with the expectation that thicker debris will suppress
ablation and extend glacier life expectancy. However, regional satellite
observations of glacier mass change indicate that debris-covered
glaciers are shrinking at similar rates to clean-ice glaciers across
High Mountain Asia. This greater-than-expected mass loss has been partly
attributed to differential ablation processes that locally enhance mass
loss within the debris-covered section of the glacier, for example at
ice cliffs and supraglacial ponds, and to differential dynamics as ice
flow responds to climate change.
We used numerical modelling of the feedbacks between debris transport,
ice flow and mass balance to test the hypothesis that differential
ablation is responsible for the rapid decay of debris-covered Khumbu
Glacier in the Everest region of Nepal. Parameterising mass balance to
account for metre-scale variations in debris thickness increased net ice
volume loss, accounting for 79% of the glacier surface elevation change
observed between 1984-2015 CE. The model underestimated mass loss in the
upper ablation area, where some or all of the remaining ice volume
change is likely to result from dynamic detachment of the debris-covered
tongue from the upper active glacier.
Under a moderate future warming scenario (RCP4.5), Khumbu Glacier is
projected to lose 46% of ice volume by 2100 CE and 83% by 2200 CE.
Physical detachment of the debris-covered tongue from the upper active
section of the glacier will occur before 2100 CE, reducing the volume of
the active ice mass to only the area above the base on the Khumbu
icefall. After physical detachment reduces the size of the glacier, ice
flow slows, resulting in a dynamic shutdown that causes the death of
this iconic glacier by 2170 CE.
Iaith wreiddiol | Saesneg |
Statws | Cyhoeddwyd - 01 Rhag 2020 |