The role of vegetation in the formation of anabranching channels in an ephemeral river, Northern plains, arid central Australia

Stephen Tooth*, Gerald C. Nanson

*Awdur cyfatebol y gwaith hwn

Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

162 Dyfyniadau (Scopus)


As the distribution and abundance of vegetation in drylands is often controlled by the greater availability of water along river channels, riparian vegetation has the potential to influence significantly dryland river form, process and behaviour. This paper demonstrates how a small indigenous shrub, the inland teatree (Melaleuca glomerata), influences the formation and maintenance of anabranching channels in a reach of the ephemeral Marshall River, Northern Plains, arid central Australia. Here, the Marshall is characterized by ridge-form anabranching, where water and sediment are routed through subparallel, multiple channels of variable size which occur within a typically straight channel-train. Channels are separated by channel-train ridges - narrow, flow-aligned, vegetated features - or by wider islands. By providing a substantial element of boundary roughness, dense stands of teatrees growing on channel beds or atop the ridges and islands influence flow velocities, flow depths and sediment transport, resulting in flow diversion, bank and floodplain erosion, and especially sediment deposition. Ridges and islands represent a continuum of forms, and their formation and development can be divided into a three-stage sequence involving teatree growth and alluvial sedimentation. (1) Teatrees colonize a flat, sandy channel bed, initiating the formation of ridges by lee-side accretion. Individual ridges grow laterally, vertically and longitudinally and maintain a geometrically similar streamlined (lemniscate) form that presents minimum drag. (2) Individual ridges grow in size and interact with neighbouring ridges, causing the lemniscate forms to become distorted. Ridges in the lee of other ridges tend to be protected from the erosive effects of floods and survive, whereas individual teatrees or small ridges exposed to flow concentrated between larger ridges, tend to be removed. (3) Ridges lengthen and coalesce with downstream ridges, eventually subdividing the channel-train into well defined anabranches. This sequence turns a channel, initially obstructed with dense and chaotic stands of teatrees, into a well-organized system of ridge-form anabranches. In the moderate to low-gradient Marshall River, which is colonized by an abundance of within-channel vegetation and subject to declining downstream discharges, this helps to minimize flow resistance, thereby maintaining an efficient water and sediment flux.

Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
Tudalennau (o-i)3099-3117
Nifer y tudalennau19
CyfnodolynHydrological Processes
Rhif cyhoeddi16-17
Dynodwyr Gwrthrych Digidol (DOIs)
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 2000

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