What types of social transformation has the introduction of rugby to Brazil had?

Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapuradolygiad gan gymheiriaid

Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 2016
DigwyddiadSeventh International Conference on Sport & Society: "Leisure, Play, Action: Ecological Awareness in Sports" - University of Hawaii at Manoa , Honolulu, Unol Daleithiau America
Hyd: 02 Meh 201603 Meh 2016


CynhadleddSeventh International Conference on Sport & Society
Gwlad/TiriogaethUnol Daleithiau America
Cyfnod02 Meh 201603 Meh 2016
Cyfeiriad rhyngrwyd

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