This study aims to investigate the effective change management strategies in Abu Dhabi government organizations during the covid-19 pandemic. For this purpose, the study follows the interpretive approaches to magnify the significance of change management in the context of the substantial transition from physical-based work to diverse options for working from home utilizing diverse technologies. The study analyses the effectiveness of the change management organizations, tools, and methodologies used by Abu Dhabi government entities during the COVID-19 epidemic. The analysis revealed a knowledge gap on the precise change management strategies and approaches used by Abu Dhabi government entities during the COVID-19 epidemic, as well as the success of these strategies. To address this gap, a literature analysis on change management, public sector management, and the COVID-19 pandemic was conducted, and a mixed-methods methodology was used to gather and evaluate data from participants in Abu Dhabi government enterprises. The study explored that the majority of respondents were unfamiliar of change management strategies, and there were substantial gender and age variations in the use of change management tools. The research also highlighted particular change management tactics and techniques used by Abu Dhabi government entities, such as communication strategies, training and development programmers, and the utilization of technological tools such as flowcharts, process maps, and Gantt charts. In addition, the research assessed the efficacy of various change management tactics and methodologies and offered suggestions for enhancing change management practices in Abu Dhabi government enterprises. The study also presents suggestions for enhancing the change management processes of Abu Dhabi government agencies, which will assist these agencies in navigating future crises and problems. Under the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic, this study contributes to the ongoing research and development in the field of change management.
Effective Change Management Strategies in Abu Dhabi Government Organizations during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Almarzouqi, H. (Awdur). 2023
Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Traethawd Ymchwil Doethurol › Doethur yn y Astudiaethau Proffesiynol