This research project studied the avenanthramide content using modern analytical techniques (including High Pressure Liquid Chromatography and Liquid ChromatographyMass Spectroscopy) in order to identify and quantify the avenanthramides present within different oat cultivars, growing environments and oat plant fractions. The avenanthramide composition in different fractions of the oat plant at different stages of development were investigated, and within the findings was the identification of the flavanone, Tricin, in immature oat stems, glumes and hulls. The impact of genetic by environmental affects upon the avenanthramide contents within groats were analysed using numerous cultivars and environments, and it could be surmised that environmental factors had more influence on the avenanthramide quantities than genetic factors and genetic by environmental interactions, although all were significant. Correlation analysis on selected data sets of grain quality, grain composition and meteorology of specific environments did not identify any significant correlations with avenanthramides, however some strong correlations between avenanthramides were ascertained. Within the final part of this project, Quantitative Trait Loci analysis was conducted for nine avenanthramides, and highlighted chromosome 5 as being significant in the production of avenanthramides. The conclusions of the Quantitative Trait Loci analysis indicate further studies would be need to be conducted to conclusively identify the trait loci for avenanthramides within diploid oats.
Oats as an innovative source of bioactive compounds
Roberts, T. G. (Awdur). 2021
Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Traethawd Ymchwil Doethurol › Doethur mewn Athroniaeth