This thesis examines the relationship between sovereignty and the problem of environmental degradation. The thesis argues that modern sovereignty, particularly as it is expressed through the sovereign state, is both a significant contributor to the problem of environmental degradation as well as a barrier to effectively addressing that problem. By thinking about sovereignty as a political orientation that shapes understandings of temporality, spatiality, identity and political community we can begin to develop the theoretical resources needed to reorient thinking and action. Furthermore, the thesis argues that environmental degradation, while a manifestation of problems with the orientation(s) of sovereignty, can also serve as a catalyst for political reorientation.
Orientation and Disorientation:: Sovereignty and Environmental Disorientation
Young, D. (Awdur). 2017
Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Traethawd Ymchwil Doethurol › Doethur yn y Athroniaeth