Cambridge University Press (Publisher)

  • Peter Dennis (Editorial board member)

Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial activity


Cambridge Studies in Landscape Ecology Cambridge Studies in Landscape Ecology presents synthetic and comprehensive examinations of topics that reflect the breadth of the discipline of landscape ecology. The focus is on spatial relationships at a variety of scales, in both natural and highly modified landscapes, on the factors that create landscape patterns; and on the influences of landscape structure on the functioning of ecological systems and their management. Some books in the series develop theoretical or methodological approaches to studying landscapes, while others deal more directly with the effects of landscape spatial patterns on population dynamics, community structure, or ecosystem processes. Still others examine the interplay between landscapes and human societies and cultures. The series is published in collaboration with the International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE), which has Chapters in over 50 countries. IALE aims to develop landscape ecology as the scientific basis for the analysis, planning, and management of landscapes throughout the world. The organization advances international cooperation and interdisciplinary synthesis through scientific, scholarly, educational, and communication activities. Information on IALE is available at
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