Genomics-assisted breeding for fatty acid content and composition in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)- LipiGrass project

Activity: Talk or presentationOral presentation


Talks and presentations given to various societies and academic institutions on the Genomics-assisted breeding for fatty acid content and composition in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)- LipiGrass project. These included; Germinal Scottish Seed Merchants Training Course, Impact Accelerator Award GCRF IAA Plant Breeding Workshop, HCC on-farm event at Coleg Powys 15/9/16, Royal Welsh Agricultural show 18-21/7/16, RWAS Winter Fair 28-29/11/16, Stabiliser Beef Conference 3/10/16, HCC annual conference 10/11/16, Semillas Fito a seed company from Barcelona, Germinal England & Wales seed merchants training course 29/11/16,Germinal Scotland seed merchants training course 1/12/16, Meeting of Germinal Holdings Sales team, For Farmers International Feed company and seed merchant, Galway Grazers dairy discussion group, Waitrose Group, various seed company visits to IBERS, Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) members, AgriScot Show Edinburgh 16/11/16, Lecture and Field Visit for M Sc students at Aberystywth University, 2016 Royal Welsh Grassland Event 9/6/16 Rhug Estate Corwen, EAAP2016 Belfast - 29th Aug to 2nd Sep 2016, Coleg Powys students, Rothamsted/IBERS Discussion Forum, CIAT (Colombia) working group, Semilais FITO (Spanish distributor) 15-15/11/16, British Association of Seed Producers - 18-19/5/16, Livestock Event NEC Birmingham 6-7/7/16, on-farm open event IBERS, FUW Education & Training Committee, Germinal Technical Advisers training day England & Wales - 02/16, Welsh Grasslands event - 9/6/16, Montgomery Young Farmers Club - 23/4/16
Held atDepartment of Life Sciences
Degree of RecognitionInternational