Series of presentations on LipiGrass Project given by Germinal

Activity: Talk or presentationOral presentation


Germinal presentation on project to "ForFarmers" meeting, Dorset and Lackham- 3-4/12/15,Germinal Technical Conference, Birmingham - 11/15, training course to 100 farm advisers 11/15, John Yeomans Farm Walk - 18/9/15, South West Dairy Event 10/15, Farmer Meeting and Discussion Group, Scottish SA - 8/15,EBLEX Better Returns meeting, Lewes - 9/9/15,Guild of Agricultural Journalists at press Welsh Grasslands event - 10/9/15,Genetic Technologies (NZ company) - 10/15,Farmer Meeting and Discussion Group, Westray - 8/15, Mole Valley, 7/15, CFL 7/15, Farmer Merchants and Advisors group 8/15,CFL, Telford UK dairy day, Mid Somerset farmers group, Dumbia, Mid wales farmer meeing and discussion group, Orkney, CFL, NWDP Ormskirk and DairyCo Denbigh.
Held atGerminal, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Degree of RecognitionNational