The Casual Criminalist: Derrick Bird One of the worst Mass Shootings in British History

Press/Media: Media contribution


Viewer Discretion is Advised

In this piece I authored we look at one of the darkest days in recent British memory. On the 2nd of June, 2010 Derrick Bird would kill 12 innocent people who were just going about their day. We explore Bird's personal history, the events of that day and briefly discuss how we might explain why Bird did what he did.

In this discussion we contribute to the age old debate of nature vs nurture in a way that only the Casual Criminalist's style can allow us to. 

We at all times avoid the overengagement with violent imagery and do not employ any violent images themselves. All the same, some may find the content we disscuss disturbing and as such viewer discretion is advised. 

Period12 Apr 2022 → 27 Sept 2022

Media contributions


Media contributions