EverDrill shallow borehole thermometry datasets

  • Katharine Miles (Creator)
  • Bryn Hubbard (Supervisor)
  • Samuel Doyle (Contributor)
  • Duncan Joseph Quincey (University of Leeds) (Creator)
  • Evan S. Miles (Creator)
  • Ann Victoria Rowan (University of Sheffield) (Creator)



Datasets from the EverDrill project, measuring shallow ice temperatures within Khumbu Glacier, Nepal, to be published in Miles et al. (in review) entitled: 'Seasonal cold-wave propagation into the near-surface ice of debris-covered Khumbu Glacier, Nepal'. Please cite this paper if using this data:

Miles, K.E., Hubbard, B., Quincey, D.J., Miles, E.S., Doyle, S.H., and Rowan, A.V. (in review), Seasonal cold-wave propagation into the near-surface ice of debris-covered Khumbu Glacier, Nepal, Frontiers in Earth Science
Date made available25 May 2021
Date of data productionMay 2018 - Jun 2019

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