Gel imager [ImageQuant LAS4000]

Facility/equipment: Equipment

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    Phenomix Centre Gogerddan Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 3EE

    United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Equipments Details


Western blot imaging system.
Digitized images of stained gels, membranes, or films can be obtained by white light illumination.
CCD camera of 3.2 megapixels. An effective resolution of 6.3 megapixels can be obtained by image processing.
Internal cooling creates low thermal noise level; greater sensitivity.
Lens has remote focus and iris.
Chemiluminescence detected using a four-step binning algorithm.
Fluorescence is detected at high sensitivity using either a UV transilluminator or one of several Epilight sources.


NameGel imager [ImageQuant LAS4000]
Acquisition date21 Mar 2013
ManufacturersGE Healthcare


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