Impact summary
Increasing capacity and knowledge of climate change adaptation for the Irish Sea and Coastal communities, achieved through:1 - GOOD PRACTICE GUIDANCE - provide integrated guidance on how to survey and record heritage sites threatened by climate change in targeted coastal communities, using the latest innovative technologies and remote sensing techniques.
2 - FIXED SURVEY MARKERS - provide the first 3D baseline fixed survey points and data for selected heritage assets specifically aimed at future monitoring of climate change.
3 - ENHANCED HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT DATA – activities to enhance and update national historic environment datasets, which help to inform priority lists for statutory designation.
4 - ENHANCED PALAEOENVIRONMENTAL DATA - generate multi-proxy paleoenvironmental data within a robust chronological framework, developed from selected locations to reconstruct past environments and inform future adaptation strategies.
5 - SEAMLESS ONSHORE/OFFSHORE DATA - A number of innovative digital ‘real maps’ derived from LiDAR and photogrammetry, will provide 3D data geomatic data for planning and management in the terrestrail, intertidal and marine environments.
6 - TRAINING THE CITIZEN SCIENTIST- conferences, workshops, seminars and outreach events to raise awareness and train the citizen scientist in survey and recording, heritage at risk, climate change and storminess impacts.
7- EXCAVATIONS ON HERITAGE ASSETS AT RISK - Community excavations to train citizen scientists in local communities to record heritage sites at risk.
8 - SHARED WEB PORTAL - Information delivery and awareness-raising and an important legacy of the operation for future adaptation strategies.
9 - LANDOWNER MANAGEMENT PLANS - management plans and GIS datasets for reefs, islands and headlands under study showing cultural heritage assets and climate change threats.
National Trust (NT); Ceredigion County CouncilOther information
Dinas Dinlle used as a case study by the NT for their Climate Change Adaptation Guidance. CCCs Adapting to Climate Change Progress in Wales report, Cultural Heritage, Community Preparedness and Response section mentions CherishImpact status | In preparation |
Category of impact | Culture and creativity |
Impact level | Adoption |