Presentation of the IPBES Values Assessment at the COP15 Meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity


Impact summary

Presentation of the IPBES Values Assessment at various side events at COP15:

6 December - science day [presentations] (first half of day)
Global assessment - 45 minutes
Values - 45 minutes
Sustainable Use - 45 minutes
*These presentations should be tailored more to how the assessment relates to the Global Biodiversity Framework.

8 December - IPBES Sustainable Use and Values Assessments: Implications for the new Global Biodiversity Framework [presentations]
Sustainable use (13 minutes) - see agenda for more information
Values (13 minutes) - see agenda for more information

9 December - Science in Focus: Ongoing IPBES Assessments & Opportunities for Engagement [presentations]
Invasive alien species (10 minutes)
Transformative change (10 minutes
Nexus (10 minutes)


Governments of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Impact statusIn preparation