Activities per year
- 250 - 300 out of 371 results
Search results
Economic and Social Research Council (External organisation)
McInnes, C. (Member)
2009Activity: Membership › Membership of peer-review college/ panel
Economic and Social Research Council (External organisation)
McInnes, C. (Member)
2009Activity: Membership › Membership of board
ESRC/AHRC Commissioning Panel, Global Uncertainties: Ideas and Beliefs Fellowship programme (External organisation)
McInnes, C. (Chair)
2009Activity: Membership › Membership of peer-review college/ panel
University of Tennessee
Williams, H. (Visiting researcher)
2009Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visiting an external academic institution
The British Academy (External organisation)
Clark, I. (Chair)
2009Activity: Membership › Membership of board
Taylor & Francis (Publisher)
Edkins, J. (Editor)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Critical Studies on Terrorism (Journal)
Jackson, R. D. W. (Editor)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
International Relations (Journal)
Edkins, J. (Editorial board member)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Planet: The Welsh Internationalist (Journal)
Edkins, J. (Editorial board member)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Journal of International Political Theory (Journal)
Erskine, T. A. (Peer reviewer)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Bulletin of Latin American Research (Journal)
Taylor, L. (Editor)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
146eg Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru | 146th National Eisteddfod of Wales
Lewis, H. (Organiser)
2009Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Workshop, Seminar, or Course
Wiley (Publisher)
Taylor, L. (Editor)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Member of Expert Group on Global Health Diplomacy, WHO
McInnes, C. (Advisor)
2009Activity: Consultancy › Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
UK Research and Innovation (External organisation)
McInnes, C. (Chair)
2009Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Centre for Defence and International Security Studies (External organisation)
McInnes, C. (Member)
2009Activity: Membership › Membership of board
Economic and Social Research Council (External organisation)
McInnes, C. (Member)
2009Activity: Membership › Membership of committee
London School of Economics and Political Science (External organisation)
McInnes, C. (Member)
2009Activity: Membership › Membership of committee
Keele University
Williams, H. (Visiting researcher)
2009Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visiting an external academic institution
Taylor & Francis (Publisher)
Jackson, R. D. W. (Editor)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Critical Studies on Terrorism (Journal)
Gol, A. (Guest editor)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Interstate Journal of International Affairs (Journal)
Finlan, A. (Peer reviewer)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
The IPT Beacon (Journal)
Erskine, T. A. (Peer reviewer)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Interventions (Journal)
Edkins, J. (Editor)
2009 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
European Security (Journal)
Shepherd, A. (Editorial board member)
2009 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
International Journal of Intelligence Ethics (Journal)
Erskine, T. A. (Peer reviewer)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
International Theory (Journal)
Erskine, T. A. (Peer reviewer)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
High Level IPPR/Cabinet Office Conference
McInnes, C. (Invited speaker)
2009Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Conference
Institut Francais des Relations Internationales (External organisation)
McInnes, C. (Member)
2009Activity: Membership › Membership of board
Association of Commonwealth Universities (External organisation)
McInnes, C. (Member)
2009Activity: Membership › Membership of peer-review college/ panel
STEPS Centre (Publisher)
McInnes, C. (Editorial board member)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
ESRC/AHRC/FCO Advisory Board (External organisation)
McInnes, C. (Member)
2009Activity: Membership › Membership of board
British International Studies Association (External organisation)
McInnes, C. (Member)
2009Activity: Membership › Member of professional society
Defence Studies (Journal)
McInnes, C. (Editorial board member)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
External examiner for external postgraduate research student, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
McInnes, C. (Examiner)
2009Activity: Examination
Operation Allied Force Study Group
Shepherd, A. (Invited speaker)
20 Nov 2008Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Workshop, Seminar, or Course
Regional and Federal Studies (Journal)
Elias, A. (Guest editor)
Oct 2008Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Conference: Operation Allied Force
Shepherd, A. (Invited speaker)
25 Apr 2008Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Conference
ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops
Shepherd, A. (Speaker)
07 Apr 2008 → 12 Apr 2008Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Workshop, Seminar, or Course
University of Cambridge
Shepherd, A. (Speaker)
13 Mar 2008Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Academy of Finland (External organisation)
Linklater, A. (Reviewer)
Feb 2008Activity: Membership › Membership of peer-review college/ panel
Critical Studies on Terrorism (Journal)
Gunning, J. W. (Editor)
2008 → 2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Contemporary Political Theory (Journal)
Williams, H. (Editorial board member)
2008Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Bulletin of Latin American Research (Journal)
Taylor, L. (Editorial board member)
2008Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Europe-Asia Studies (Journal)
Mathers, J. (Editorial board member)
2008 → 2019Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
International Relations (Journal)
Linklater, A. (Editorial board member)
2008Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Nação e Defesa (Journal)
Booth, K. (Peer reviewer)
2008Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
French History (Journal)
Alexander, M. (Editorial board member)
2008Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
International Political Sociology (Journal)
Linklater, A. (Editorial board member)
2008Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
International Politics (Journal)
Linklater, A. (Editorial board member)
2008Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity