- 100 - 150 out of 183 results
Search results
Bibi Linden
- Department of Life Sciences - Lecturer in Applied Conservation Biology
Person: Teaching And Research
Amanda Lloyd
- Department of Life Sciences - Researcher: Food, Diet and Health, Programme Manager: SODIAT Programme Grant
Person: Research, Other
Laura Lyons
- Department of Life Sciences - Senior Research Technician - Analytical Chemistry
Person: Other
Iuliana Macovetchi
- Department of Life Sciences - Post Graduate Research Assistant, Research Technician - Cultured meat:cell sources and media
Person: Research, Other
Maria Júdice da Costa Marques Moreira Judice da Costa
Person: Doctor of Philosophy
Sebastian McBride
- Department of Life Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Biological Science
Person: Teaching And Research
Daniel Mills
- Department of Life Sciences - Lecturer in Wildlife Conservation
Person: Teaching And Research
Simon Moakes
- Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences (IBERS) - Research Fellow
- Department of Life Sciences
Person: Research, Doctor of Professional Studies
Justin Pachebat
- Department of Life Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Microbial Genomics
Person: Teaching And Research