12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Julian Ruddock with the persons below:
Stephen Tooth
Person: Teaching And Research
Hywel Griffiths
Person: Teaching And Research
Eurig Salisbury
- Department of Welsh and Celtic Studies - Lecturer in Creative Writing
Person: Teaching And Research
Andy Hardy
- Department of Geography and Earth Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Remote Sensing and GIS
Person: Teaching And Research
Cate Williams
- Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences (IBERS) - Knowledge Exchange Fellow
Person: Research
Hefin Williams
- Department of Life Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Agricultural Environment
Person: Teaching And Research
Jayesh Mukherjee
Person: Doctor of Philosophy
Ian Saunders
- Department of Geography and Earth Sciences - Senior Teaching Laboratory Technician, Teaching Laboratory Technician
Person: Other, Teaching