Manuel Grande

Manuel Grande


  • Aberystwyth University
    Physical Sciences Building

    United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

1983 …2023

Research activity per year

Search results

  • 2023

    Enabling technologies for planetary exploration

    Grande, M., Guo, L., Blanc, M., Alves, J., Makaya, A., Asmar, S., Atkinson, D., Bourdon, A., Chabert, P., Chien, S., Day, J., Fairén, A. G., Freeman, A., Genova, A., Herique, A., Kofman, W., Lazio, J., Mousis, O., Ori, G. G. & Parro, V. & 7 others, Preston, R., Rodriguez-Manfredi, J. A., J. Sterken, V., Stephenson, K., Hook, J. V., Waite, J. H. & Zine, S., 01 Jan 2023, Planetary Exploration Horizon 2061: A Long-Term Perspective for Planetary Exploration. Blanc, M. (ed.). Elsevier, p. 249-329 81 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

    1 Citation (Scopus)
  • Introduction to the “Planetary Exploration, Horizon 2061” foresight exercise

    Blanc, M., Lewis, J., Bousquet, P., Dehant, V., Foing, B., Grande, M., Guo, L., Hutzler, A., Lasue, J., Perino, M. A., Rauer, H., Ammannito, E. & Capria, M. T., 01 Jan 2023, Planetary Exploration Horizon 2061: A Long-Term Perspective for Planetary Exploration. Elsevier, p. 1-16 16 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  • Planetary Exploration Horizon 2061: A Long-Term Perspective for Planetary Exploration

    Blanc, M., Bousquet, P. W., Dehant, V., Foing, B., Grande, M., Guo, L., Hutzler, A., Lasue, J., Lewis, J., Perino, M. A. & Rauer, H., 01 Jan 2023, Elsevier. 427 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportBook

    2 Citations (Scopus)
  • Preface

    Blanc, M., Bousquet, P. W., Dehant, V., Foing, B., Grande, M., Guo, L., Hutzler, A., Lasue, J., Lewis, J., Perino, M. A. & Rauer, H., 01 Jan 2023, Planetary Exploration Horizon 2061: A Long-Term Perspective for Planetary Exploration. Elsevier, p. xix-xxiii

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingForeword/postscript

  • The 17 April 2021 widespread solar energetic particle event

    Dresing, N., Rodríguez-García, L., Jebaraj, I. C., Warmuth, A., Wallace, S., Balmaceda, L., Podladchikova, T., Strauss, R. D., Kouloumvakos, A., Palmroos, C., Krupar, V., Gieseler, J., Xu, Z., Mitchell, J. G., Cohen, C. M. S., De Nolfo, G. A., Palmerio, E., Carcaboso, F., Kilpua, E. K. J. & Trotta, D. & 29 others, Auster, U., Asvestari, E., Da Silva, D., Dröge, W., Getachew, T., Gómez-Herrero, R., Grande, M., Heyner, D., Holmström, M., Huovelin, J., Kartavykh, Y., Laurenza, M., Lee, C. O., Mason, G., Maksimovic, M., Mieth, J., Murakami, G., Oleynik, P., Pinto, M., Pulupa, M., Richter, I., Rodríguez-Pacheco, J., Sánchez-Cano, B., Schuller, F., Ueno, H., Vainio, R., Vecchio, A., Veronig, A. M. & Wijsen, N., 09 Jun 2023, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 674, 34 p., A105.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    21 Citations (Scopus)
    47 Downloads (Pure)
  • The enabling power of international cooperation

    Perino, M. A., Ammannito, E., Arrigo, G., Capria, M. T., Foing, B., Green, J., Li, M., Kim, J. J., Madi, M., Onoda, M., Toukaku, Y., Dehant, V., Blanc, M., Rauer, H., Bousquet, P., Lasue, J., Grande, M., Guo, L., Hutzler, A. & Lewis, J., 01 Jan 2023, Planetary Exploration Horizon 2061: A Long-Term Perspective for Planetary Exploration. Blanc, M. (ed.). Elsevier, p. 381-406 26 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  • 2022

    GAUSS - genesis of asteroids and evolution of the solar system: A sample return mission to Ceres

    The GAUSS Team, Shi, X., Castillo-Rogez, J., Hsieh, H., Hui, H., Ip, W. H., Lei, H., Li, J. Y., Tosi, F., Zhou, L., Agarwal, J., Barucci, A., Beck, P., Bagatin, A. C., Capaccioni, F., Coates, A. J., Cremonese, G., Duffard, R., Grande, M. & Jaumann, R. & 9 others, Jones, G. H., Kallio, E., Lin, Y., Mousis, O., Nathues, A., Oberst, J., Sierks, H., Ulamec, S. & Wang, M., 01 Dec 2022, In: Experimental Astronomy. 54, 2-3, p. 713-744 32 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    2 Citations (Scopus)
    23 Downloads (Pure)
  • Inner southern magnetosphere observation of Mercury via SERENA ion sensors in BepiColombo mission

    Orsini, S., Milillo, A., Lichtenegger, H., Varsani, A., Barabash, S., Livi, S., De Angelis, E., Alberti, T., Laky, G., Nilsson, H., Phillips, M., Aronica, A., Kallio, E., Wurz, P., Olivieri, A., Plainaki, C., Slavin, J. A., Dandouras, I., Raines, J. M. & Benkhoff, J. & 72 others, Zender, J., Berthelier, J.-J., Dosa, M., Ho, G. C., Killen, R. M., McKenna-Lawlor, S., Torkar, K., Vaisberg, O., Allegrini, F., Daglis, I. A., Dong, C., Escoubet, C. P., Fatemi, S., Fränz, M., Ivanovski, S., Krupp, N., Lammer, H., Leblanc, F., Mangano, V., Mura, A., Rispoli, R., Sarantos, M., Smith, H. T., Wieser, M., Camozzi, F., Di Lellis, A. M., Fremuth, G., Giner, F., Gurnee, R., Hayes, J., Jeszenszky, H., Trantham, B., Balaz, J., Baumjohann, W., Cantatore, M., Delcourt, D., Delva, M., Desai, M., Fischer, H., Galli, A., Grande, M., Holmström, M., Horvath, I., Hsieh, K. C., Jarvinen, R., Johnson, R. E., Kazakov, A., Kecskemety, K., Krüger, H., Kürbisch, C., Leblanc, F., Leichtfried, M., Mangraviti, E., Massetti, S., Moissenko, D., Moroni, M., Noschese, R., Nuccilli, F., Paschalidis, N., Ryno, J., Seki, K., Shestakov, A., Shuvalov, S., Sordini, R., Stenbeck, F., Svensson, J., Szalai, S., Szego, K., Toublanc, D., Vertolli, N., Wallner, R. & Vorburger, A., 30 Nov 2022, In: Nature Communications. 13, 1, 8 p., 7390.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    10 Citations (Scopus)
    47 Downloads (Pure)
  • Observations of Energetic Electron Substorm Injection Signatures by Cluster and BepiColumbo During an Earth Flyby

    Grande, M., Sanches-Cano, B., Nakamura, R., Vainio, R., Miyoshi, Y., Dandouras, I., Johnson, R., Oleynik, P., Nakamura, S., Perry, C., Johnson, P., Huovelin, J., Maguire, S. & Heyner, D., 2022.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract

    Open Access
  • The BepiColombo Environment Radiation Monitor, BERM

    Pinto, M., Sanchez-Cano, B., Moissl, R., Benkhoff, J., Cardoso, C., Gonçalves, P., Assis, P., Vainio, R., Oleynik, P., Lehtolainen, A., Grande, M. & Marques, A., 21 Sept 2022, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Space Science Reviews. 218, 7, 21 p., 54.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview Articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    12 Citations (Scopus)
    74 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2021

    Exploring Planery Systems, in the Solar System and Beyond. The Enabling Power of International Collaboration

    Perino, M. A., Blanc, M., Ammannito, E., Bousquet, P. W., Lasue, J., Capria, M. T., Dehant, V., Foing, B., Grande, M., Guo, L., Hutzler, A., Makaya, A., McNutt, R. L., Rauer, H., Westall, F. & Lewis, J., 2021, 19th IAA Symposium on Building Blocks for Future Space Exploration and Development 2021 - Held at the 72nd International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2021. International Astronautical Federation, IAF, (Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC; vol. D3).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Proceeding (Non-Journal item)

  • SERENA: Particle Instrument Suite for Determining the Sun-Mercury Interaction from BepiColombo

    Orsini, S., Livi, S. A., Lichtenegger, H., Barabash, S., Milillo, A., De Angelis, E., Phillips, M., Laky, G., Wieser, M., Olivieri, A., Plainaki, C., Ho, G., Killen, R. M., Slavin, J. A., Wurz, P., Berthelier, J. J., Dandouras, I., Kallio, E., McKenna-Lawlor, S. & Szalai, S. & 101 others, Torkar, K., Vaisberg, O., Allegrini, F., Daglis, I. A., Dong, C., Escoubet, C. P., Fatemi, S., Fränz, M., Ivanovski, S., Krupp, N., Lammer, H., Leblanc, F., Mangano, V., Mura, A., Nilsson, H., Raines, J. M., Rispoli, R., Sarantos, M., Smith, H. T., Szego, K., Aronica, A., Camozzi, F., Di Lellis, A. M., Fremuth, G., Giner, F., Gurnee, R., Hayes, J., Jeszenszky, H., Tominetti, F., Trantham, B., Balaz, J., Baumjohann, W., Brienza, D., Bührke, U., Bush, M. D., Cantatore, M., Cibella, S., Colasanti, L., Cremonese, G., Cremonesi, L., D’Alessandro, M., Delcourt, D., Delva, M., Desai, M., Fama, M., Ferris, M., Fischer, H., Gaggero, A., Gamborino, D., Garnier, P., Gibson, W. C., Goldstein, R., Grande, M., Grishin, V., Haggerty, D., Holmström, M., Horvath, I., Hsieh, K. C., Jacques, A., Johnson, R. E., Kazakov, A., Kecskemety, K., Krüger, H., Kürbisch, C., Lazzarotto, F., Leblanc, F., Leichtfried, M., Leoni, R., Loose, A., Maschietti, D., Massetti, S., Mattioli, F., Miller, G., Moissenko, D., Morbidini, A., Noschese, R., Nuccilli, F., Nunez, C., Paschalidis, N., Persyn, S., Piazza, D., Oja, M., Ryno, J., Schmidt, W., Scheer, J. A., Shestakov, A., Shuvalov, S., Seki, K., Selci, S., Smith, K., Sordini, R., Svensson, J., Szalai, L., Toublanc, D., Urdiales, C., Varsani, A., Vertolli, N., Wallner, R., Wahlstroem, P., Wilson, P. & Zampieri, S., 12 Jan 2021, In: Space Science Reviews. 217, 1, 107 p., 11.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview Articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    32 Citations (Scopus)
    116 Downloads (Pure)
  • Synthesis of the planetary exploration-horizon 2061-foresight exercise

    Bousquet, P. W., Blanc, M., Ammannito, E., Capria, M. T., Dehant, V., Foing, B., Grande, M., Guo, L., Hutzler, A., Lasue, J., Lewis, J., McNutt, R. L., Perino, M. A. & Rauer, H., 2021, IAF Space Exploration Symposium 2021 - Held at the 72nd International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2021. International Astronautical Federation, IAF, (Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC; vol. A3).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Proceeding (Non-Journal item)

  • 2020

    Correction of Galileo Energetic Particle Detector, Composition Measurement System High Rate Data: Semiconductor Dead Layer Correction

    Lee-Payne, Z., Kollmann, P., Grande, M. & Knight, T., 01 Feb 2020, In: Space Science Reviews. 216, 1, 5.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    5 Citations (Scopus)
    105 Downloads (Pure)
  • Investigating Mercury’s environment with the two-spacecraft BepiColombo mission

    Milillo, A., Fujimoto, M., Murakami, G., Benkhoff, J., Zender, J., Aizawa, S., Dósa, M., Griton, L., Heyner, D., Ho, G. C., Imber, S. M., Jia, X., Karlsson, T., Killen, R. M., Laurenza, M., Lindsay, S., McKenna-Lawlor, S., Mura, A., Raines, J. M. & Rothery, D. A. & 59 others, André, N., Baumjohann, W., Berezhnoy, A., Bourdin, P. A., Bunce, E., Califano, F., Deca, J., de la Fuente, S., Dong, C., Grava, C., Fatemi, S., Henri, P., Ivanovski, S. L., Jackson, B. V., James, M., Kallio, E., Kasaba, Y., Kilpua, E., Kobayashi, M., Langlais, B., Leblanc, F., Lhotka, C., Mangano, V., Martindale, A., Massetti, S., Masters, A., Morooka, M., Narita, Y., Oliveira, J. S., Odstrcil, D., Orsini, S., Pelizzo, M. G., Plainaki, C., Plaschke, F., Sahraoui, F., Seki, K., Slavin, J. A., Vainio, R., Wurz, P., Barabash, S., Carr, C. M., Delcourt, D., Glassmeier, K. H., Grande, M., Hirahara, M., Huovelin, J., Korablev, O., Kojima, H., Lichtenegger, H., Livi, S. A., Matsuoka, A., Moissl, R., Moncuquet, M., Muinonen, K., Quémerais, E., Saito, Y., Yagitani, S., Yoshikawa, I. & Wahlund, J. E., 01 Aug 2020, In: Space Science Reviews. 216, 5, 78 p., 93.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview Articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    89 Citations (Scopus)
    82 Downloads (Pure)
  • Rationale for BepiColombo Studies of Mercury’s Surface and Composition

    Rothery, D. A., Massironi, M., Alemanno, G., Barraud, O., Besse, S., Bott, N., Brunetto, R., Bunce, E., Byrne, P., Capaccioni, F., Capria, M. T., Carli, C., Charlier, B., Cornet, T., Cremonese, G., D’Amore, M., De Sanctis, M. C., Doressoundiram, A., Ferranti, L. & Filacchione, G. & 46 others, Galluzzi, V., Giacomini, L., Grande, M., Guzzetta, L. G., Helbert, J., Heyner, D., Hiesinger, H., Hussmann, H., Hyodo, R., Kohout, T., Kozyrev, A., Litvak, M., Lucchetti, A., Malakhov, A., Malliband, C., Mancinelli, P., Martikainen, J., Martindale, A., Maturilli, A., Milillo, A., Mitrofanov, I., Mokrousov, M., Morlok, A., Muinonen, K., Namur, O., Owens, A., Nittler, L. R., Oliveira, J. S., Palumbo, P., Pajola, M., Pegg, D. L., Penttilä, A., Politi, R., Quarati, F., Re, C., Sanin, A., Schulz, R., Stangarone, C., Stojic, A., Tretiyakov, V., Väisänen, T., Varatharajan, I., Weber, I., Wright, J., Wurz, P. & Zambon, F., 02 Jun 2020, In: Space Science Reviews. 216, 4, 46 p., 66.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview Articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    54 Citations (Scopus)
    119 Downloads (Pure)
  • Solar intensity X-ray and particle spectrometer SIXS: instrument design and first results

    Huovelin, J., Vainio, R., Kilpua, E., Lehtolainen, A., Korpela, S., Esko, E., Muinonen, K., Bunce, E., Martindale, A., Grande, M., Andersson, H., Nenonen, S., Lehti, J., Schmidt, W., Genzer, M., Vihavainen, T., Saari, J., Peltonen, J., Valtonen, E. & Talvioja, M. & 8 others, Portin, P., Narendranath, S., Jarvinen, R., Okada, T., Milillo, A., Laurenza, M., Heino, E. & Oleynik, P., 01 Aug 2020, In: Space Science Reviews. 216, 5, 42 p., 94.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview Articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    19 Citations (Scopus)
    90 Downloads (Pure)
  • The BepiColombo Mercury Imaging X-Ray Spectrometer: Science Goals, Instrument Performance and Operations

    Bunce, E. J., Martindale, A., Lindsay, S., Muinonen, K., Rothery, D. A., Pearson, J., McDonnell, I., Thomas, C., Thornhill, J., Tikkanen, T., Feldman, C., Huovelin, J., Korpela, S., Esko, E., Lehtolainen, A., Treis, J., Majewski, P., Hilchenbach, M., Väisänen, T. & Luttinen, A. & 51 others, Kohout, T., Penttilä, A., Bridges, J., Joy, K. H., Alcacera-Gil, M. A., Alibert, G., Anand, M., Bannister, N., Barcelo-Garcia, C., Bicknell, C., Blake, O., Bland, P., Butcher, G., Cheney, A., Christensen, U., Crawford, T., Crawford, I. A., Dennerl, K., Dougherty, M., Drumm, P., Fairbend, R., Genzer, M., Grande, M., Hall, G. P., Hodnett, R., Houghton, P., Imber, S., Kallio, E., Lara, M. L., Balado Margeli, A., Mas-Hesse, M. J., Maurice, S., Milan, S., Millington-Hotze, P., Nenonen, S., Nittler, L., Okada, T., Ormö, J., Perez-Mercader, J., Poyner, R., Robert, E., Ross, D., Pajas-Sanz, M., Schyns, E., Seguy, J., Strüder, L., Vaudon, N., Viceira-Martín, J., Williams, H., Willingale, D. & Yeoman, T., 03 Nov 2020, In: Space Science Reviews. 216, 8, 38 p., 126.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview Articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    40 Citations (Scopus)
    186 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2019

    Ready functions for calculating the Martian radiation environment

    Guo, J., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R., Grande, M., Lee-Payne, Z. & Matthia, D., 19 Feb 2019, In: Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate. 9, 11 p., A7.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    16 Citations (Scopus)
    205 Downloads (Pure)
  • The Pivot Energy of Solar Energetic Particles Affecting the Martian Surface Radiation Environment

    Guo, J., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R., Grande, M., Wang, Y., Matthiä, D., Zeitlin, C., Ehresmann, B. & Hassler, D. M., 19 Sept 2019, In: Astrophysical Journal Letters. 883, 1, L12.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    8 Citations (Scopus)
  • 2018

    SMART-1 technology, scientific results and heritage for future space missions

    Foing, B., Racca, G., Marini, A., Koschny, D., Frew, D., Grieger, B., Camino-Ramos, O., Josset, J. L. & Grande, M., 01 Feb 2018, In: Planetary and Space Science. 151, p. 141-148 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    13 Citations (Scopus)
    323 Downloads (Pure)
  • Virtual Planetary Space Weather Service offered by the Europlant H2O2O Research Infrastructure

    André , N., Grande, M., Achilleos, N., Barthélémy, M., Bouchemit, M., Benson, K., Blelly, P.-L., Budnik, E., Caussarieu , S., Cecconi, B., Cook, A., Génot , V., Guio, P., Goutenoir, A., Grison, B., Hueso, R., Indurain, M., Jones, G. H., Lilensten, J. & Marchaudon , A. & 8 others, Matthiä , D., Opitz, A., Rouillard, A., Stanislawska , I., Soucek , J., Tao, C., Tomasik, L. & Vaubaillon, J., 01 Jan 2018, In: Planetary and Space Science. 150, p. 50-59 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    15 Citations (Scopus)
    151 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2017

    Shielding an MCP Detector for a Space-Borne Mass Spectrometer Against the Harsh Radiation Environment in Jupiter’s Magnetosphere

    Lasi, D., Tulej, M., Meyer, S., Lüthi, M., Galli, A., Piazza, D., Wurz, P., Reggiani, D., Xiao, H., Marcinkowski, R., Hajdas, W., Cervelli, A., Karlsson, S., Knight, T., Grande, M. & Barabash, S., 29 Jan 2017, In: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 64, 1, p. 605 - 613 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    11 Citations (Scopus)
  • 2015

    Multipoint observations of the open-closed field line boundary as observed by the Van Allen Probes and geostationary satellites during the 14 November 2012 geomagnetic storm

    Dixon, P. J., MacDonald, E. A., Funsten, H. O., Glocer, A., Grande, M., Kletzing, C., Larson, B. A., Reeves, G., Skoug, R. M., Spence, H. & Thomsen, M. F., 29 Sept 2015, In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 120, 8, p. 6596-6613 18 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    7 Citations (Scopus)
    170 Downloads (Pure)
  • Transition Parameter applied to boundaries at Venus

    Guymer, G., Grande, M., Fraenz, M., Barabash, S., Zhang, T. & Pinter, B., 01 Apr 2015, p. 2295.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review

  • Understanding space weather to shield society: A global road map for 2015-2025 commissioned by COSPAR and ILWS

    Schrjver, C., Kauristie, K., Aylward, A. D., Denardini, C. M., Gibson, S. E., Glover, A., Gopalswamy, N., Grande, M., Hapgood, M., Heynderickx, D., Jakowski, N., Kalegaev, V. V., Lapenta, G., Linker, J. A., Lui, S., Mandrini, C. H., Mann, I. R., Nagatsuma, T., Nandy, D. & Obara, T. & 6 others, O'Brien, P., Onsager, T., Opgenoorth, H. J., Terkildsen, M. T., Valladares, C. E. & Vilmer, N., 15 Jun 2015, In: Advances in Space Research. 55, 12, p. 2745-2807 63 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    275 Citations (Scopus)
    345 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2014

    C1XS results - First measurement of enhanced Sodium on the Lunar surface

    Athiray, P. S., Narendranath, S., Sreekumar, P. & Grande, M., 31 Dec 2014, In: Planetary and Space Science. 104, Part B, p. 279-287 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    15 Citations (Scopus)
    242 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2013

    Inner Magnetospheric Heavy Ion Composition during High Speed Stream Driven Storms

    Forster, D. R., Denton, M. H., Grande, M. & Perry, C. H., 01 Jul 2013, In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 118, 7, p. 4066-4079 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    9 Citations (Scopus)
  • The Future of Spacecraft Radiation Design: Workshop at Aberystwyth University, UK, 28–30 November 2012

    Grande, M. & Knight, T. M. C., 17 Oct 2013, In: Space Weather. 11, 10, p. 843-844 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    145 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2012

    Lunar Net—a proposal in response to an ESA M3 call in 2010 for a medium sized mission

    Smith, A., Crawford, I. A., Gowen, R. A., Ambrosi, R., Anand, M., Banerdt, B., Bannister, N., Bowles, N., Braithwaite, C., Brown, P., Chela-flores, J., Cholinser, T., Church, P., Coates, A. J., Colaprete, T., Collins, G., Collinson, G., Cook, T., Elphic, R. & Fraser, G. & 41 others, Gao, Y., Gibson, E., Glotch, T., Grande, M., Griffiths, A., Grygorczuk, J., Gudipati, M., Hagermann, A., Heldmann, J., Hood, L. L., Jones, A. P., Joy, K. H., Khavroshkin, O. B., Klingelhoefer, G., Knapmeyer, M., Kramer, G., Lawrence, D., Marczewski, W., Mckenna-lawlor, S., Miljkovic, K., Narendranath, S., Palomba, E., Phipps, A., Pike, W. T., Pullan, D., Rask, J., Richard, D. T., Seweryn, K., Sheridan, S., Sims, M., Sweeting, M., Swindle, T., Talboys, D., Taylor, L., Teanby, N., Tong, V., Ulamec, S., Wawrzaszek, R., Wieczorek, M., Wilson, L. & Wright, I., 01 Apr 2012, In: Experimental Astronomy. 33, 2-3, p. 587-644

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    20 Citations (Scopus)
  • The Chandrayaan-1 X-Ray Spectrometer: First Results

    Weider, S. Z., Kellett, B. J., Swinyard, B. M., Crawford, I. A., Joy, K. H., Grande, M., Howe, C. J., Huovelin, J., Narendranath, S., Alha, L., Anand, M., Athiray, P. S., Bhandari, N., Carter, J. A., Cook, A. C., d'Uston, L. C., Fernandes, V. A., Gasnault, O., Goswami, J. N. & Gow, J. P. D. & 13 others, Holland, A. D., Koschny, D., Lawrence, D. J., Maddison, B. J., Maurice, S., McKay, D. J., Okada, T., Pieters, C., Rothery, D. A., Russell, S. S., Shrivastava, A., Smith, D. R. & Wieczorek, M., Jan 2012, In: Planetary and Space Science. 60, 1, p. 217-228

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    29 Citations (Scopus)
  • The transterminator ion flow at Venus at solar minimum

    Wood, A. G., Pryse, S. E., Grande, M., Whittaker, I. C., Coates, A. J., Husband, K., Baumjohann, W., Zhang, T. L., Mazelle, C., Kallio, E., Fraenz, M., McKenna-Lawlor, S. & Wurz, P., Dec 2012, In: Planetary and Space Science. 73, 1, p. 341-346 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • 2011

    Lunar X-ray fluorescence observations by the Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Spectrometer (C1XS): Results from the nearside southern highlands

    Narendranatha, S., Athiray, P. S., Sreekumar, P., Kellett, B. J., Alha, L., Howe, C. L., Joy, K. H., Grande, M., Huovelin, J., Crawford, I. A., Unnikrishnan, U., Lalita, I. S., Subramaniam, S., Weider, S. Z., Nittler, L. R., Gasnault, O., Rothery, D., Fernandes, V. A., Bhandari, N. & Goswami, J. N. & 1 others, Wieczorek, M. A., 01 Jul 2011, In: Icarus. 214, 1, p. 53-66 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    43 Citations (Scopus)
  • On Investigating the Variation of the Radiation Dose in the Martian SubSurface due to the CO2 Ice Thickness

    Leatherland, A., Pintér, B. & Grande, M., 02 Oct 2011, p. 1273 - 1273. 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract

  • Preface

    Okada, T., Grande, M., Oberst, J. & Sasaki, S., 2011, In: Earth, Planets and Space. 63, 1, p. 3 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorialpeer-review

    Open Access
  • The cosmic dust analyser onboard cassini: ten years of discoveries

    Srama, R., Kempf, S., Moragas-klostermeyer, G., Altobelli, N., Auer, S., Beckmann, U., Bugiel, S., Burton, M., Economomou, T., Fechtig, H., Fiege, K., Green, S. F., Grande, M., Havnes, O., Hillier, J. K., Helfert, S., Horanyi, M., Hsu, S., Igenbergs, E. & Jessberger, E. K. & 21 others, Johnson, T. V., Khalisi, E., Krüger, H., Matt, G., Mocker, A., Lamy, P., Linkert, G., Lura, F., Möhlmann, D., Morfill, G. E., Otto, K., Postberg, F., Roy, M., Schmidt, J. L., Schwehm, G. H., Spahn, F., Sterken, V., Svestka, J., Tschernjawski, V., Grün, E. & Röser, H.-P., 01 Dec 2011, In: CEAS Space Journal. 2, 1-4, p. 3-16

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    27 Citations (Scopus)
  • 2010
  • In-Situ observations of a co-rotating interaction region at Venus identified by IPS and STEREO

    Whittaker, I. C., Dorrian, G. D., Breen, A., Grande, M. & Barabash, S., 01 Aug 2010, In: Solar Physics. 265, 1-2, p. 197-206

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)
  • PHEBUS: A double ultraviolet spectrometer to observe Mercury's exosphere

    Chassefière, E., Maria, J.-L., Goutail, J.-P., Quémerais, E., Leblanc, F., Okano, S., Yoshikawa, I., Korablev, O., Gnedykh, V., Naletto, G., Nicolosi, P., Pelizzo, M.-G., Correia, J.-J., Gallet, S., Hourtoule, C., Mine, P.-O., Montaron, C., Rouanet, N., Rigal, J.-B. & Muramaki, G. & 32 others, Yoshioka, K., Kozlov, O., Kottsov, V., Moisseev, P., Semena, N., Bertaux, J.-L., Capria, M.-T., Clarke, J., Cremonese, G., Delcourt, D., Doressoundiram, A., Erard, S., Gladstone, R., Grande, M., Hunten, D., Ip, W., Izmodenov, V., Jambon, A., Johnson, R., Kallio, E., Killen, R., Lallement, R., Luhmann, J., Mendillo, M., Milillo, A., Palme, H., Potter, A., Sasaki, S., Slater, D., Sprague, A., Stern, A. & Yan, N., Jan 2010, In: Planetary and Space Science. 58, 1-2, p. 201-223

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    53 Citations (Scopus)
  • 52 Citations (Scopus)
  • Solar Intensity X-ray and particle Spectrometer (SIXS)

    Huovelin, J., Vainio, R., Andersson, H., Valtonen, E., Alha, L., Mälkki, A., Grande, M., Fraser, G. W., Kato, M., Koskinen, H., Muinonen, K., Näränen, J., Schmidt, W., Syrjäsuo, M., Anttila, M., Vihavainen, T., Kiuru, E., Roos, M., Peltonen, J. & Lehti, J. & 3 others, Talvioja, M., Portin, P. & Prydderch, M., 01 Jan 2010, In: Planetary and Space Science. 58, 1-2, p. 96-107

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    24 Citations (Scopus)
  • The effects of radiation damage on the spectral resolution of the Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Spectrometer

    Walker, T. E., Smith, D. R., Howe, C. J., Kellett, B. J., Sreekumar, P. & Grande, M., 16 Jul 2010, SPIE Proceedings: Radiation Damage. Holland, A. D. & Dorn, D. A. (eds.). SPIE, Vol. 7742. p. 774215-774215-9

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Proceeding (Non-Journal item)

    2 Citations (Scopus)
  • Transient structures and stream interaction regions in the solar wind: Results from EISCAT interplanetary scintillation, STEREO HI and Venus Express ASPERA-4 observations

    Dorrian, G. D., Breen, A. R., Davies, J. A., Rouillard, A. P., Whittaker, I. C., Davis, C. J., Brown, D. S., Fallows, R. A., Harrison, R. A. & Grande, M., 05 Aug 2010, In: Solar Physics. 265, p. 207-231 25 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Venusian bow shock as seen by the ASPERA-4 ion instrument on Venus Express

    Whittaker, I., Guymer, G., Grande, M., Pintér, B., Barabash, S., Federov, A., Mazelle, C., Sauvaud, J. A., Lundin, R., Russell, C. T., Futaana, Y., Fränz, M., Zhang, T. L., Andersson, H., Grigoriev, A., Holmström, M., Yamauchi, M., Asamura, K., Baumjohann, W. & Lammer, H. & 23 others, Coates, A. J., Kataria, D. O., Linder, D. R., Curtis, C. C., Hsieh, K. C., Koskinen, H. E. J., Kallio, E., Riihelä, P., Schmidt, W., Kozyra, J., Mckenna-Lawlor, S., Thocaven, J. J., Orsini, S., Cerulli-Irelli, R., Mura, A., Milillo, M., Maggi, M., Roelof, E., Brandt, P., Frahm, R. A., Sharber, J. R., Wurz, P. & Bochsler, P., 28 Sept 2010, In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 115, A9, p. n/a A09224.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    12 Citations (Scopus)
  • 2009

    A solar storm observed from the Sun to Venus using the STEREO, Venus Express, and MESSENGER spacecraft

    Rouillard, A. P., Davies, J. A., Forsyth, R. J., Savani, N. P., Sheeley, N. R., Thernisien, A., Zhang, T.-L., Howard, R. A., Anderson, B., Carr, C. M., Tsang, S., Lockwood, M., Davis, C. J., Harrison, R. A., Bewsher, D., Fränz, M., Crothers, S. R., Eyles, C. J., Brown, D. S. & Whittaker, I. & 6 others, Hapgood, M., Coates, A. J., Jones, G. H., Grande, M., Frahm, R. A. & Winningham, J. D., Jul 2009, In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 114, A7, A07106.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

    60 Citations (Scopus)
  • Aspera-3: Analyser of space plasmas and energetic neutral atoms

    Lundin, R., Barabash, S., Holmström, M., Andersson, H., Yamauchi, M., Nilsson, H., Grigorev, A., Winningham, D., Frahm, R., Sharber, J. R., Sauvaud, J. A., Fedorov, A., Budnik, E., Thocaven, J. J., Asamura, K., Hayakawa, H., Coates, A. J., Soobiah, Y., Linder, D. R. & Kataria, D. O. & 27 others, Curtis, C., Hsieh, K. C., Sandel, B. R., Grande, M., Carter, M., Reading, D. H., Koskinen, H., Kallio, E., Riihela, P., Sales, T., Kozyra, J., Krupp, N., Woch, J., Fraenz, M., Luhmann, J., Brain, D., McKenna-Lawler, S., Cerulli-Irelli, R., Orsini, S., Maggi, M., Milillo, A., Roelof, E., Livi, S., Brandt, P., Wurz, P., Bochsler, P. & Galli, A., Jun 2009, Mars Express: The Scientific Investigations. 1291 ed. p. 199-215 17 p. (European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP; vol. SP, no. 1291).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Proceeding (Non-Journal item)

  • Chandrayaan-1 X-ray spectrometer (C1XS): instrument design & technical details

    Howe, C. J., Drummond, D., Edeson, R., Maddison, B., Parker, D. J., Parker, R., Shrivastava, A., Spencer, J. R., Kellett, B. J., Grande, M., Sreekumar, P., Huovelin, J., Smith, D. R., Gow, J., Narendranath K. C., S. & d’Uston, L., Jun 2009, In: Planetary and Space Science. 57, 7, p. 735–743

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

    21 Citations (Scopus)
  • ESSC-ESF Position Paper Science-Driven Scenario for Space Exploration: Report from the Europe Space Sciences Committee (ESSC)

    Worms, J. C., Lammer, H., Barucci, A., Beebe, R., Bibring, J. P., Blanc, M., Bonnet, R., Brucato, J. R., Chassefiere, E., Coradini, A., Crawford, I., Ehrenfreund, P., Falcke, H., Gerzer, R., Grady, M., Grande, M., Haerendel, G., Horneck, G., Koch, B. & Lobanov, A. & 3 others, Lopez-Moreno, J. J., Marco, R. & Norsk, P., 24 Mar 2009, In: Astrobiology. 9, 1, p. 23-41 19 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

    12 Citations (Scopus)
  • First results from the C1XS X-ray spectrometer on board Chandrayaan-1

    Crawford, I. A., Kellett, B. J., Grande, M., Maddison, B. J., Howe, C. J., Swinyard, B., Joy, K. S. P., Narendranath, S. & Huovelin, J., 2009, In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. A250, p. A250

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  • Ground calibration of the Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Solar Monitor (XSM)

    Alha, L., Huovelin, J., Nygard, K., Andersson, H., Esko, E., Howe, C. J., Kellett, B. J., Narendranath, S., Maddison, B. J., Crawford, I. A., Grande, M. & Shreekumar, P., 21 Aug 2009, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 607, 3, p. 544-553 10 p., A07106.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

    17 Citations (Scopus)
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