4 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Tamsin Davies with the persons below:
Patrick Finney
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (Dept) - Pro Vice-Chancellor: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
- Department of International Politics - Reader in International History, Head of Department (International Politics)
Person: Teaching And Research, Other
Moira Vincentelli
- School of Art - Art History Support
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (Dept) - Emeritus Professor
Person: Other, Teaching
Ruth Fowler
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (Dept) - Faculty Manager: Arts and Social Sciences
Person: Other
Josh Roberts
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (Dept) - Research Assistant
- Aberystwyth Law School - Knowledge Exchange and Engagement Worker
Person: Research, Other