A content analysis of technology enhanced learning in mathematics education studies between 2017 and 2022

Cagdas Erbas, Panna Karlinger

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


Digital capabilities of computers, and information technologies in education and learning environments have been widely discussed and researched in various studies over the past years. While these capabilities and different digital technologies have led researchers to create new ways to use technology in learning environments, which led to educational innovations across the world, particularly in recent years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they also coined the term technology enhanced learning, to describe all teaching and learning activities carried out with the incorporation of technologies in the learning environments. Technology enhanced learning and teaching is underpinned by the fundamental desire to improve the learning process and experiences of students, ultimately resulting in higher level of educational achievement and skills development. In other words, technology enhanced learning aims to increase the efficiency of the learning process by improving existing processes, or even completely change or replace old processes to move the learning process and experience in a positive direction. To realise these goals and purposes, instructional designers are using various technologies and methodologies to improve different course needs in the learning process and enhance students’ learning. The use of technology enhanced learning has been particularly prominent in mathematics education, with practitioners and researchers using software and technology such as GeoGebra, augmented or virtual reality, and different programming tools. The use of educational technologies has a rising trends in mathematics education like other educational branches in the last decades. Therefore, this study aims to conduct a content analysis of technology enhanced learning in mathematics education and teaching research studies, which were published in the Web of Science indexed journals, between 2017 and 2022. For this purpose, the keywords “Technology Enhanced Learning”, “TEL” “Math(s) Education”, “Mathematics Education” “Math(s) Teaching” and “Mathematics Teaching”, were used to develop an initial collection of potential studies from the Web of Science database. Moreover, Researchgate.net and Academia.edu were used to access papers which were not accessible via the institutions of the researchers, Erzincan Binali Yildirim University and Aberystwyth University. According to the preliminary data, 85 individual sources have been collected from the Web of Science database in total. 62 out of 85 sources have been identified as non-suitable sources for this current research. Those sources were including conference papers or STEM papers, which include information about technology and mathematics but not technology enhanced learning and teaching in mathematics education, and other unrelated papers. The 23 papers, which were gathered from the Web of Science database, were examined with the research classification form. Researchers used the research classification form for the collected studies to identify information about, researchers, institutions, study methods, study samples, research variables, data collection methods, data analysing methods and study results. According to the preliminary results, 23 research studies have been published in 19 different journals, which are indexed on the Web of Science database. The preliminary results also show that these 23 research papers have been written by 61 researchers from 23 different countries. Further results will be presented for a better understanding of technology enhanced learning in mathematics education.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 09 Sept 2022
Event15th International Computer and Instructional Technologies Symposium - Çanakkale, Türkiye, Republic of
Duration: 07 Sept 202209 Sept 2022


Conference15th International Computer and Instructional Technologies Symposium
Country/TerritoryTürkiye, Republic of
Period07 Sept 202209 Sept 2022


  • Technology Enhanced Learning
  • Mathematics education
  • Mathematics teaching and learning
  • TEL


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