A New Pre-Incorporation Roadmap to Support the Reduction of Insolvency Numbers?

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


There is a plethora of sources in England and Wales governing corporate insolvencies for directors of limited companies in financial distress or approaching or entering the insolvency process, together presenting to the company director a legislative framework lacking in coherence. Quite apart from this wide range of statutes, there is also a lack of consistency in common law judgments relating to its interpretation, resulting in a lack of certainty for a director facing potential ruin if held personally liable. Drawing on ongoing research, the speakers will present an alternative pre-incorporation roadmap for legislators and directors, geared not only to supporting the government's rescue culture but also to leaving entrepreneurs free to leverage their sector knowledge and specialisms to maximise shareholder returns.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 27 Apr 2023
EventThe Future of Company Law : SLS Supported Conference - Edinburgh Centre for Commercial Law , Edinburgh
Duration: 26 Apr 202328 May 2023


ConferenceThe Future of Company Law
Abbreviated titleSLS
Period26 Apr 202328 May 2023
Internet address


  • #AU Conference Fund


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