A Survey of Evolutionary Continuous Dynamic Optimization Over Two Decades: Part A

Danial Yazdani, Ran Cheng, Donya Yazdani, Jurgen Branke, Yaochu Jin, Xin Yao

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Many real-world optimization problems are dynamic. The field of dynamic optimization deals with such problems where the search space changes over time. In this two-part article, we present a comprehensive survey of the research in evolutionary dynamic optimization for single-objective unconstrained continuous problems over the last two decades. In Part A of this survey, we propose a new taxonomy for the components of dynamic optimization algorithms (DOAs), namely, convergence detection, change detection, explicit archiving, diversity control, and population division and management. In comparison to the existing taxonomies, the proposed taxonomy covers some additional important components, such as convergence detection and computational resource allocation. Moreover, we significantly expand and improve the classifications of diversity control and multipopulation methods, which are underrepresented in the existing taxonomies. We then provide detailed technical descriptions and analysis of different components according to the suggested taxonomy. Part B of this survey provides an in-depth analysis of the most commonly used benchmark problems, performance analysis methods, static optimization algorithms used as the optimization components in the DOAs, and dynamic real-world applications. Finally, several opportunities for future work are pointed out.
Original languageEnglish
Article number9356715
Pages (from-to)609-629
Number of pages21
JournalIEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
Issue number4
Early online date18 Feb 2021
Publication statusPublished - 01 Aug 2021


  • Change detection
  • evolutionary algorithms (EA)
  • multipopulation
  • response component
  • taxonomy
  • unconstrained continuous dynamic optimization


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