A system for real-time in situ photoelectron spectroscopy

D. P. Langstaff, O. R. Roberts, G. T. Williams, D. A. Evans

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Proceeding (Non-Journal item)


A system is presented which combines photoelectron spectroscopy with complementary characterization techniques in order to provide in situ analysis of surfaces processes. The real-time capability of photoelectron spectroscopy has been enabled by an electron counting array detector that allows core and valence level spectra to be recorded in 1–10 s using a laboratory X-ray source and as low as 25 ms when coupled to synchrotron radiation source.
The efficient detection system is combined with a versatile heater stage, temperature and vacuum monitoring, and controllable evaporation sources in order to monitor chemical, structural and electronic changes in situ. The heated stage allows a range of programmed heating and cooling regimes to be applied to samples. Evaporation sources are provided for medium-temperature materials such as small organic molecules and high-temperature metals such as aluminium. The system has a linked vacuum vessel for plasma etching and Ar ion sputtering for surface preparation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDiamond Light Source Proceedings
Publication statusPublished - 01 Apr 2011


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