Assessing success in gene transfer between Lolium multiflorum and Festuca arundinacea

M.W. Humphreys, M. Ghesquiere

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20 Citations (Scopus)


A Festuca arundinacea (2n=6x-42) plant with three PGI/2 homoeoalleles marking three homoeologous chromosomes was crossed with aLolium multiflorum plant (2n=4x=28) with a different PGI/2 phenotype to give a pentaploid hybrid (2n=5x=35) with five chromosomes each marked by a different PGI/2 allele. This hybrid plant was backcrossed twice with diploidL. multiflorum (2n=2x=14) with a different PGI/2 phenotype. Numbers of interspecific recombinants involving chromosomes marked by PGI/2 were then determined in both backcross generations. In the BC1, recombinants involving only one PGI/2 allele were found but in the BC2, all three homoeologousF. arundinacea chromosomes carrying the PGI/2 locus recombined withLolium with one in greater frequency and the others in equal but lower frequency. The evidence supports claims made forF pratensis (2n=2x=14) andF. arundinacea var.glaucescens (2n=4x=28) being progenitors forF. arundinacea.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)283-289
Number of pages7
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Oct 1994


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