Automated Failure Effect Analysis for PHM of UAV

Clive Downes, Neal Snooke, Chris Price, Carol Aspey

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Proceeding (Non-Journal item)


The ASTRAEA project is a £32M UK initiative to develop the safety case for unmanned aerial vehicles flying in commercial airspace. It is addressing both the issue of what needs to be covered by such a safety case, and how such a safety case can be constructed efficiently. One of the key areas within the remit of ASTRAEA is that of generating diagnostics capable of correctly identifying the causes of all possible failures of the vehicle. This paper describes how model-based simulation can be employed to automatically generate the system-level effects of all possible failures on systems within the aircraft. The results of the simulation can be used in several ways. They can be used to produce a system-level FMEA for aircraft systems. They can be used to identify the sensors necessary to discriminate remotely between different failures on the aircraft. Once a set of sensors have been chosen for placement on the vehicle, the simulation results can also be used to generate diagnostic and prognostic software for deployment on the vehicle. Using the automated safety analysis software developed on the ASTRAEA project is more efficient than doing the same work without the software, and also provides a guaranteed level of performance.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the International System Safety and Reliability Conference, (ISSRC 2008)
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 01 Apr 2008
EventInternational System Safety and Reliability Conference (ISSRC 2008) - Singapore, China
Duration: 01 Apr 200801 Apr 2008


ConferenceInternational System Safety and Reliability Conference (ISSRC 2008)
Period01 Apr 200801 Apr 2008


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